Sayyed Khawar Abbas,Muhammad Aftab,DOI NO:
Public sector organizations, Innovation reforms, political instability,leadership influence, experimentation, budget constraints, OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, ICT (Information and communication technology),Artificial Intelligence,Abstract
The paper is intended to investigate the foster effects of political instability, leadership influence, experimentation and budget constraints responsible for poor performance and feedback from public sector organizations. Keeping in view the purpose of the study, the research framework for the study is descriptive. Firstly, Primary data is collected through questionnaires from individuals engaged with public sector organizations. Secondly, unstructured interviews conducted to explore the effect of Artificial intelligence. Through research analysis, the empirical evidence suggest that the innovation activity is intrigued with important conditions responsible for the performance of public sector organization. Political instability suggested negative significance while others have demonstrated positive significance concerning innovation reforms. Artificial Intelligence also demonstrates a strong scope for future public sector organizations. In the following research framework, the data is based on the judgments of employees engaged with public sector organizations. The responses are individual self-reported and not objective, so there is a fair possibility that response would be biased. Furthermore, the responses are from Pakistan’s main cities which cannot be generalized to various countries. This study focuses on the performance of the public sector organization. A large amount of literature has emerged on the likelihood of innovation reforms for private sector firms over the course of time. This paper is widening the horizon to study the likelihood of innovation reforms for public sector organizations by adhering the innovation culture and identifying important factors which may influence. The paper also provides a base for finding more dimensions to implement innovation reforms and also guide policymakers to execute efficient policies. Furthermore, the study is based on questions covering “what” and “how” dimensions. This type of quantitative study lacks for “why” dimension. Therefore, semi-structured interviews and case analysis could explain more regarding innovation reforms. The research framework is the first attempt to examine the impact of different conditions on the implementation of innovation and Artificial intelligence influence in public sector organizations in Pakistan.Refference:
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