Alper Senol,Ahmed Bakhsh,Ahmad Elshennawy,DOI NO:
Supply Chain Management,Industry 4.0,Business Resources,Structural Equation Modelling,Abstract
In this study, the assessment of major factors that directly impact the success of the Industry 4.0 integration of the supply chain in terms of tangible and intangible business resources as well as the mediating role of work engagement over these business resources was performed. A total of 685 survey questions were distributed to voluntary participants in the supply chain management industry and 182 responses were studied. Structural Equation Modelling using AMOS software was carried out. Analysis such as variables and their related measurement scales, data screening, replacing missing values, removing outliers and testing normality of data, Harman’s single-factor test, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were conducted. Descriptive results of the constructs were discussed.Refference:
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