Development of a RGB-based model for predicting SPAD value and chlorophyll content of betel leaf (Piper betleL.)


Amar Kumar Dey,P. Guha,Manisha Sharma,M.R. Meshram,



Chlorophyll,SPAD,RGB,mage processing, AIC,BIC,


Three different techniques were assessed for estimation of chlorophyll content from each leaf samples. In the first method SPAD-502 hand held meter was used to estimate SPAD values of leaf. In the second method flatbed scanner was used to acquire the sample leaf image for estimation of SPAD and Chlorophyll concentration. The third method was biochemical based spectrophotometric approach for estimating chlorophyll concentration.Extensive statistical analysis based on Information criterion theory was made for selection and evaluation of proposed RGB image processing based color model for estimating SPAD value and chlorophyll concentration. The resultsrevealed that image processing techniques has good potential in estimating SPAD and chlorophyll concentration values relative to biochemical method using spectroscopic technique and SPAD meter reading. The present study also pointed out the fact that for the SPAD value and chlorophyll concentration estimation using proposed image processing technique gives better results with dual color band as compared to single or triple color band.Furthermore, estimated SPAD value and chlorophyll concentration differ from Image processing technique (photometric) measurement of leaf samples by 5.538% (p<0.001) and 0.0185% (p<0.001), respectively.


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Autho(s):Amar Kumar Dey, P. Guha, Manisha Sharma and M.R. Meshram View Download