Dr.Muhammad Shabbir Ali,Dr.Shafqat Rasool,Dr. AsifIqbal,Sabahat Parveen ,DOI NO:
Induction Program,Professional Development,Training of Teachers,Future Modality,Abstract
Induction training program plays vital role for all new mathematics teachers who are recruited. It helps them to increase efficacy level to adhere to the educational life and facilitate the organization with effective performance. This study is the part of wider research to help to investigate evaluation of induction training program for mathematics teachers with the main objective of predicting future modality of professional development on the bases of induction training process. 150 participants, who experienced for induction training program, were selected for this study. These 150 teachers were having vast experience and background in mathematics and statistics. The data were gathered through questionnaire and observation to explore the approaches of induction program for development and its effectiveness. Data were analyzed through statistical techniques of t-test, correlation, ANOVA and regression. The analysis showed significant effect of induction training program on teachers’ development as whole. Induction training program found positive relation with professionalism and strongly predict the professional development of educational organization.Refference:
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Author(s): Dr. Muhammad Shabbir Ali, Dr. Shafqat Rasool, Dr. Asif Iqbal, Sabahat Parveen View Download