
A New Image Steganography Method using Message Bits Shuffling


Prithwish Das, Kushal Chakraborty, Sayak Sinha, Atanu Das



Steganography has been considered as a technique of message hiding within another carrier multimedia data. Messages in the form of image (with embedded handwritten or typed texts) are often embedded in several ways within another image in image steganography. DCT based schemes are undertaken in the frequency domain methods in addition to usual plain text message embedding. Most of the message image hiding techniques embeds image bit string without considering any shuffling schemes to deal with the said string before embedding. Present work targeted to incorporate message hiding essentially with shuffled and re-shuffled bit strings in different ways prior to DCT operation. A new method has been proposed with these shuffling schemes to enhance the security level of the encryption. Investigations with the proposed image steganography method show that the new methods performed better than normal image steganography techniques without shuffling schemes. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated using Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE). Results show that the shuffling bit steganography method outperformed the common DCT based schemes without shuffling.


Image Steganograph, DCT,Message Bit Shuffling,


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Free-Space Optical channel turbulence analysis based on lognormal distribution and stochastic differential equation


TayyabaGul Tareen, Shahryar Shafique, Mehr-e-Munir



An Optical wave propagating through a free-space optical channel may severely experience the intensity fluctuations that can result in channel gain fluctuations and fading. This paper provide a model that can analyze the influence of inevitable turbulence effect on a free-space channel which is based on the stochastic differential equation to synthesis lognormal distributed samples with a corresponding correlation time. The numerical analysis of theoretical model is presented and compared for performance evaluation. To examine the resemblance between numerical and theoretical analysis, two properties of free-space optical channel is considered including the probability density function and auto-covariance property. The model showed distinctive performance results when modelling typical channel situations.


Auto-covariance,Free-space optica,lognormal distribution,stochasticdifferential equation (SDE),Turbulence effects ,


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Phong Thanh Nguyen, Thu Anh Nguyen, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To Nguyen, Vy Dang Bich Huynh



Building Information Modelling (BIM) has made considerable progress over the past few decades regarding information technology applied in the construction industry. In developed countries, governmental organizations and private companies had published many valuable and quality academic studies regarding BIM. However, few studies have mentioned the application of SWOT modelling to develop a strategy for applying the BIM 360 Field in construction and engineering companies. This paper presents an overview of the BIM 360 Field application in construction quality management. Suitable strategies could be used to enhance the quality assurance of construction project management.



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Relationship between Organizational Environment and Teacher’s Citizenship Behaviour


Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, Dr. Shehzad Ahmed, Dr. AsifIqbal, Sabahat Parveen



The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between organizational environment and teachers’ citizenship behaviour. The research study was quantitative and correlational design was used. Survey technique was used. The population of the study comprises Elementary School Teachers (ESTs) of Mathematics. Multistage random sampling was used to select four districts (Faisalabad, Multan, Sargodha and Jhang). Further, 20 schools (10 males & 10 females) and 4 teachers from each school were randomly selected. The data from selected sample were collected using survey method. SPSS version 24 was used to analyze the data. Pearson r and ANOVA were used. The analysis revealed that there exist significant and positive relationship between organizational environment and teachers’ citizenship behaviour.


Organizational environment,Citizenship behaviour,Multistage random sampling,


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Vy Dang Bich Huynh, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To Nguyen, Phuc Van Nguyen, Phong Thanh Nguyen



The positive impact of social capital on job search success has been supported in the literature, however the research community has not reached a consensus because social capital is not always good, especially in terms of bonding. This paper explores the role of bonding social capital on several dimensions of job search success. The partial least square structural equation model was used with input data from 400 undergraduates, obtained from a field survey in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The results confirm the positive role of bonding social capital on acquired job quality, job search cost, and job search convenience. Keywords: education, job search success, partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM), social capital




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Muhammad Hasnain, Adeed khan, Saqib Shah, Muhammad Majid Naeem, Marvan Raza



Developed economies have realized construction health and safety issue and have improved the working site condition by continuously emphasizing on the issue. Sadly, the case is different in developing countries particularly in the Indian subcontinent where the injury and death rate is high due to poor health and safety conditions. The paper examines the current health and safety practices, legislations and the management of Health and safety of Pakistan, a country in the Indian subcontinent. The data reviewed is organized around developing countries and the culture affecting health and safety in these countries is discussed. Moreover, the secondary data focuses on health and safety management system, behavioral aspects of the stakeholders, general health conditions of workers associated to the construction industry and the construction industry of Pakistan is also discussed. For the achievement of objectives, both, qualitative and quantitative methodologies are adopted (i-e questionnaire survey and interviews). The questionnaire and the interviews mainly focus on the contractors, workers, designers and the clients. The findings from these methods indicates that majority of the respondents have a poor degree of health and safety awareness. It also reveals that there are general health problems faced by the workers, people are hesitant to record and report the accident at site and showed the key behavioral aspects affecting the health and safety.




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Complexity Based Approach for Architecture Evaluation


Maushumi Lahon, Uzzal Sharma



Architecture Evaluation is a means to reduce risk and save cost. It holds the key to success of the system being developed. Various evaluation methods exist which have specific objectives and basis and all contribute to enhance product quality. In this paper a Complexity UML Based Architecture Evaluation (CUBAE) approach is proposed to evaluate the architecture of a system built using CBSD approach. . The proposed approach estimates the complexity of the architecture from the UML representation of different views of the architecture. Earlier works on complexity measures of UML representations found in literature are used along with proposed measures for complexity calculation. This complexity measure may be used to assess and compare architecture representing the same system along with other measures like modifiability and different quality attributes used for evaluating the architecture.


CBSD,Architecture evaluation,UML,Complexity,Metrics,


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Prediction of Heating and Cooling Load to improve Energy Efficiency of Buildings Using Machine Learning Techniques


Srihari J, Santhi B



Global warming has been a severe threat to humanityand greenhouse gases emitted from power plants is one of the major causes of global warming. In this paper, we use machine learning to incorporate energy efficiency techniques to buildings by predicting the Heating and Cooling Load using eight input features.Heating load is the amount of heat per unit time that a building needs to maintain the temperature at an established level whereas Cooling load is the amount of heat per unit time that must be removed. Heating, cooling, and ventilation systems are used to handle heating and cooling load. We train four regression (linear regression, Lasso, Ridge, and Elastic-Net) and three gradient boosting models (GBM, XGBoost, and LightGBM) and test them to compare their performance using 768 rows of data of residential buildings. We observe that the gradient boosting models perform significantly better than the standard regression models for both Heating Load and Cooling Load. XGBoost achieves the highest R-squared score of 0.99 for Heating Load and 0.99 for Cooling Load. From the results of this study, we conclude that machine learning techniques can predict Heating Load and Cooling Load with high accuracy. The obtained Heating load and cooling load values can be used to install efficient heating, cooling and ventilation systems and thus reduce both energy consumption and money.


Energy efficiency,Heating Load,Cooling Load,Machine Learning,


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Adil Afridi, Atif Afridi, Farhan Zafar



Pervious concrete pavement could be a distinctive and effective thanks to capture storm water and permit it to course into the bottom therefore recharging groundwater, reducing storm water runoff, and meeting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) storm water laws. this technique has been counseled by independent agency and geotechnical engineers as a Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the management of storm water runoff. This pavement technology creates additional economical land use by eliminating the necessity for retention ponds, swales, and alternative storm water management devices. receptive surface treatments retain the water sub-surface because it bit by bit infiltrates into the soil; holding the storm water in multiple air voids or cells conjointly aiding in water quality through degradation of hydrocarbons into greenhouse emission and water, and retentive metals within the structure keeps them from the groundwater table Despite the employment of receptive systems for nearly thirty years within the USA, not tons of analysis has been performed on the long run absorption of contaminants within the concrete microstructure. many studies showcase the removal potency of those pavements within the 1st few years of service, stating it's shown higher than seventy five p.c potency in removal of contaminants, this investigation targeted on varied receptive concrete treatments decisive optimum strength, voids, infiltration and voids. in addition geochemical work on trace metal sorption, major component adverse effects and water quality edges was performed on existing tons on MTSU field.


concrete pavemen, water runoff,optimum strength,


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An inventory model of flexible demand for price, stock and reliability with deterioration under inflation incorporating delay in payment


Sudip Adak, G.S. Mahapatra



This paper presents an inventory model for deteriorating items with a constant rate of deterioration and the demand rate is flexible which depends on the price, stock as well as the reliability of the products. This model allowing the shortage under inflation, and delay in payment is also taken into account. We consider situation of the credit period is less than or greater than the cycle time for settling the account. Numerical example is given for different cases and sensitivity analysis is carried out to analyze the effect of the parameters on the optimal solution.


Deterioration,Reliability,Credit period,Inflation,Delay payment,


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