
Swapna Siddamsetti,Dr. Muktevi Srivenkatesh,



Honeypot,smart contract,Ethereum,classification ,


The blockchain with the Ethereum platform has involved millions of accounts because of its powerful potential for providing countless services based on smart contracts. Millions of internet bots and hackers are looking forward to hitting open systems. Proactive security measures to secure our systems, data assets, and networks thus need to be facilitated. Each firm that does not wish to compromise its data must focus more on network security. Almost all commercial organizations and institutions worldwide create and utilize several cyber security technologies, such as intrusion detection systems to prevent unauthorized users or malware-related antivirus. Honeypots are one of these technologies. The efficiency of honeypots has deteriorated as the years have passed. We integrate the honeypot with Blockchain technology to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. We provide a data science detection method in this research that is mostly based on contract transaction behaviour. As a result, we suggest a specific kind of unfavorable honeypot. Through a comparison of the 352 honeypots and the 158,568 non-honeypots, the code and behavioral characteristics of honeypots are discovered. We try to separate these parts of an adversarial honeypot so that it can work around the ways that hackers can find it now.


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