On the Suitability of Peak Shape Method for the Analysis of Thermoluminescence in Different Models


Sk Azharuddin,B Ghosh,S Ghosh,P.S.Majumdar,




Thermoluminescence (TL),One Trap One Recombination (OTOR),InteractiveMulti Trap System (IMTS),ctivation energy,


In the present paper we have adjudged the suitability of widely used Peak Shape method for determination of activation energy by considering computer generated thermoluminescence (TL) peaks obtained by using One Trap One Recombination (OTOR) model and Interactive Multi Trap System (IMTS) model. We have found that in both OTOR and IMTS models these methods fail when the trap occupancy approaches saturation. Finally we have considered the application of these methods to experimental TL peaks of  -irradiated Albite.


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Author(s): Sk Azharuddin, B Ghosh, S Ghosh, P.S.Majumdar View Download