Soma Gholamveisy,DOI NO:
citizen management,data mining,RFM-SOM algorithm,Apriori algorithm,a new feature ,Abstract
Significant revolution in different organizations chief’s point of view toward customer treating and the level of product presentation or services resulted in redefining the structure of these organizations based on this point of view. The municipal services are very important as well. The strategy of “CRM” which was so successful in the private sector and has been applying as “CiRM” in the public sector of developed countries could be very useful for this achievement. The main goal of citizen management is realizing the citizen's needs and demands, improving communication through connection with citizens and optimizing it to increase the level of their satisfaction. The government agencies do it based on their idea and point of view cause the citizen are valuable assets in the planning of services and reduction of costs. This study proposes a combined data mining method to discover hidden knowledge in call citizen compliant of the municipality of Tehran. A Self-organizing map neural network was used to identifying and classifying citizen needs based on RFM analysis. It also classified citizen needs into three majors. the result of classification and clustering of SOM has created a new feature to profiled call’s customer to identify temporal-spatial patterns of problems by using an association rule with the Apriori algorithm. The results of this idea demonstrate that accordance of citizens call compliant in a different area and discovering hidden knowledge can facilitate the performance of human recourse in improving services to citizens.Refference:
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