Musaab Habib Bangash,M. Mahboob Alam,Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad,DOI NO:
environmental noise,noise pressure levels,critical regions ,Abstract
Our modern era doesn’t mean only that we have industrialized or have advancements in technology but the increment in pollution is also the result of modernization. With the increase in population, the burden on the urban infrastructure of city centers is increasing with each passing day. This increased burden is specially manifested in the increase in traffic density on roads and traffic flow and is mainly known for the production of noise pollution. University Road, Peshawar Pakistan which is a very dense and important hub for education, hospitals and other commercial markets was studied for noise pressure levels and identification of vulnerable regions. Among 30 regions of section 8 were categorized as non-critical,17 were found moderate critical and 5 were found most critical regions.Refference:
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