
Shwetha Sirikonda,Naresh Kumar Sripada,R. Nethravathi,



Internet of Things (IOT),Global Positioning system (GPS),Deep Neural Network (DNN),


According to facts from ministry of girls and children development, as many as 20 kids on an average go missing in the national capital each day. And handiest 30 percent of the kids are reunited with their families, the respite remain entrenched. Of the 20 children, the handiest one or two kids goes missing on their personal, ultimate kids are abducted.  Kidnapped kids are pushed into toddler labor, flesh trade, domestic provider or begging racket. Despite CCTV cameras, preserving an eye fixed at the roads and a hi-tech police force guarding the residents, predominant cities in India has grown to be a hub of kidnappers each as a transit and destination point. The alarming records embody abortive to induce police officers into urgency. To get rid of kid abduction, we proposed to built a virtual agent - Tracking and monitoring elementary school kids (TMESK system) meant to design a at ease gadget that continuously tracks and monitor kids and alert the parentsschool management if anything went wrong. In proposing model Linear Support Vector Machine used to train TMESK system using GPS trajectory data and smart IOT wearable gadgets alert when kids exits from a safe zone or enters to unexpected location change, TMESK sends an alert message to their mother and father, caretakers and nearest police station to make sure the safety of the child.


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