Tallapalli Chandra Prakash,, Srinivas Samala,Kommabatla Mahender,DOI NO:
PAPR,5G,Spectral efficiency,OFDM,Radiofrequency,Abstract
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is one of the best techniquesfor improving bandwidthefficiently and combating multipath fading by choosing proper modulation scheme in wireless communications. However, this technique has a major drawback of high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) which makes transmitter section inefficient by leading to power inefficiency in the Radio Frequency section Therefore OFDM with high PAPR makes the high power amplifier nonlinear and decreases efficiency of power and generates a nonlinear distorted output, and thereby reducing performance of both spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. These drawbacks of OFDM can be mostly reduced by using proposed 5G transmission schemes.Refference:
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