Ilyas Khan,Majid Ashraf,Asif Nawaz,Rehan Ali Khan,M.Habib Ullah,Wisal Khan,Sheeraz Ahmed,DOI NO:
WBAN,LoS communication,Routing protocol, Quality of Service,Abstract
The architecture of WBANs consists of small nodes which are fitted on the body of human or it may be implanted inside body to investigate and analyze and sense data like monitoring body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and glucose level checking etc. For efficient design and development of WBANs, which ensure reliability and efficiency the knowledge of system and its components are necessary. WBANs must be capable to support lower energy, high data rate, reliability, Quality of Service (QoS) and minimum interference for the consideration of vast applications of WBANs. In WBANs there is a need of proactive management because it is related to more reliable communication. In this research work we are trying to provide a comprehensive review of state of the art routing protocols for WBANs. After the thorough analysis and investigation of different routing protocols, we conclude that there are many good schemes to overcome and resolve the issues of routing in WBANs. But still some of the issues need to be resolved. A new routing protocol for WBANs is developed called DSBAN. In this scheme we considered the performance metrics in terms of the already available schemes SIMPLE, and LAEEBA and see the effects in terms of energy efficiency, Networks lifetime and path-loss. The results show that the scheme DSBAN is significantly showing improved performance than the other two schemes under consideration. The reason is that the scheme considers those positive features of SIMPLE and LAEEBA which help us in the design of the new scheme.Refference:
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