Ritika Kumari, R.L Ujjwal,Vishwa Pratap Singh,DOI NO:
NDN model,Cuckoo Filter based Name Lookup, Bloom Filter-Based Name Lookup, NDN forwarding Overview , Routing and Forwarding in Name Data Networking,Abstract
Name Data Networking is a future Internet architecture and it depends on data. NDN takes advantage of the current Internet Architecture and aims to address the weaknesses. In NDN, interest messages are used to retrieve data. Each data has a name that is embedded inside each interest packet. Routers use these names to forward the messages as NDN does not use source or destination address. For each interest packet, a packet is issued that is called a Data packet or D-packet. D-pkt holds the name of the content and the data itself. In this paper, we propose a data structure which is the hybrid of Cuckoo filter and Trie for the name lookup process in NDN.Refference:
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