Special Issue No. – 6, January, 2020

5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Sciences and
Electronics (RTCSE)
Organized by University of Hawaii, USA and Gyancity Research Lab, Haryana, India



Musse Mohamud Ahmed,Aohammad Kamrul Hasan,Jong F. Chen,Denis Lee,




When lightning strikes to the transmission line, orifices in the insulation can be created. As a result, the insulation co-ordination between phases is breakdown and overvoltage will propagate across the transmission line in the form of electrical fields. Hence, the system will encounter under-frequency and prolonged type of destruction. In a worst-case situation, it may lead blackout. One of the effective ways to reduce lightning impact is to identify the lightning activity. This researchhas been carried out to familiarize the lightning activity in Sarawakarea;hence, the Genetic Algorithm (GA) is utilized to optimize the crucial constants of the lightning empirical equation. As the constant values are successful to be optimized, estimation of Ground Flash Density (GFD) can be performed. The performance is evaluated using Matlab. Using the GA optimized parameter the estimations areprecise. To achieve estimation that is more accurate many trials are required to be carried out in order to determine the best fitness value. In this article, three casesare carried out in determining the optimal solution in term of constant “a” and “b” for each sub-region in Sarawak.


GA,Optimization,Ground Flash Density (GFD),Lightening,


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Ali Asghar Memon,Syed Asif Ali Shah,MuhamamdTalha,Mutiba khan,Ahmad Ali Mustafa Irshaid,PoojaKumari,Mahaveer Mathrani,




The demand for electricity is increasing day by day and the natural reserves of non-renewable fuels are rapidly diminishing. To avoid these energy crises, alternate energy source market is unavoidable which includes the wind energy, solar energy as well as the energy from vibrations (Piezoelectricity). There are numerous ways to provide the required pressure/vibration to the piezoelectric material. This paper proposes a hybrid simulation model that uses two energy sources which are wind and solar energy. The output from the piezoelectric system is converted to DC by a DC-DC converter. The solar panel is employed with a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique which ensures the maximum output from solar energy at all times. The output from both the solar panel and the piezoelectric system is stored in a battery


MPPT,DC-DC converter,PEWT,PV Energy,


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Anil Seker,BernaOrsYalcin,




Human detection is one of the hot topic in the field of computer vision. HOG descriptor is a widely accepted local feature extractor with high accuracy and it has heavy computation blocks in processing. Therefore, its application takes a long processing time. To improve execution time of algorithm, one of the methods is hardware acceleration. In this paper, we propose an application-specific HOG descriptor architecture on FPGA with a soft processor called as Nios II. It has the ability of instruction set extension to its base micro-architecture without any modification on the core. We select HOG specific custom instruction sets to extend. To obtain custom instruction set, we used DAG representation which is generated by LLVM compiler. The algorithm is applied on the only-processor architecture and on the proposed architecture with instruction set extension. The total execution time is measured using hardware clock counter to approximate real time consumption. The results of both architecture are compared in terms of clock count. Obviously, proposed architecture which has fully floating-point calculation is accelerated 17.68 times in comparison with pure software implementation of HOG descriptor. The implementation of the architecture is applied for 640x480x8bit test frame on lowcost Cyclone V FPGA platform.


Custom instruction,FPGA,HOG,hardware accelerator,


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Mishal Almazrooie,Azman Samsudin,MohdAdib Omar,Muhammad SyukriSalleh,Shahir Akram Hassan,




The Digital Holy Quran is getting more popular among Muslims nowadays. Therefore, proper precaution has to be taken to preserve the authenticity of the Digital Holy Quran. Hence, the following study shows as how the attacks on the authenticity of the Digital Quran can be mounted. In this work, we present an approach of collision attack on Quranic hash tables in which the output is a readable Arabic statement. The approach exploits some of the Unicode special characters in the UTF-8 Arabic set. Moreover, a second preimage attack is adopted as a case study to test the proposed collision attack. Then, a GPGPU parallel approach for the second preimage attack on the Quranic verses is presented. The results of the experiments on a 32-bit hash function show 395-fold speedups on 448- core processor for the parallel approach compared with the sequential one.


Holy Quran,Hash function,Graphic Processing Units (GPUs),CUDA,


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Umm-e-Laila,Faheem Ali,Syed Siraj Uddin,Muhammad Shariq Sadiq,Muhammad Shahroz Siddiqui,Muhammad Ibrar ul Haque,




Security plays an important role in everyday life example in offices, institutions, libraries, laboratories and others. Providing security is necessary in order to keep important data confidential so that unauthorized person could not have an access on them. RFID cards were used to provide security. These cards however were not much useful for the user due to chances of getting lost, stolen and forgotten. The purpose of this study is to provide a Real time door security system with three-point authentication by designing a smart door access system using fingerprint module, face reorganization authorization and voice message passing. Use of this system is intended to provide access only to authorized persons. The term 'home.' Security 'is becoming increasingly prevalent as a major issue in today's life challenger. Developing a home-protection device is to make it user-friendly that can reduce human effort, ensure the safety and security of people and their homes. In case, the person categorizes as known guest, the device sounds a tune but don’t open the door automatically rather people inside home can open the entrance door from anywhere of the home. As guest is known people don’t need to walk towards door to open it. And when device detects the person as unknown person, it generates a notification at that an unknown person wish to enter your home.


Biometrics,Face Recognition,Fingerprint Sensor,Voice Message Transfer,Security system authorization,


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A. Hakeem Memon,Sheeraz A. Shaikh,Zubair A. Memon,Anwar A. Memon,Ali A. Memon,




The discontinuous conduction mode (DCM)boost converter is widely used topology because of numerous advantages like no reverse recovery loss in freewheeling diode, no loss during turning on of the switch, small size of output capacitor, high power factor (PF) for universal input voltage range, and easy design of electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter because of constant switching frequency operation. However, its efficiency is low when operated in constant duty-cycle control (CDCC) scheme. For enhancing the efficiency of the DCM boost converter, a variableduty-cycle control (VDCC) method has been introduced. Fitting duty-cycle method is also discussed to make circuit implementation easier. Comparative analysis is given in terms of loss analysis for both types of control schemes and for verifying the validity of proposed technique, the simulation results are carried out.


Boost converter,discontinuous conduction mode (DCM),power factor correction (PFC),variable duty-cycle control (VDCC),constant duty-cycle control (CDCC),electromagnetic interference (EMI),duty-cycle,


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Arpita Gupta,Saloni Priyani,Ramadoss Balakrishnan,




In recent times, reviewing the product on the seller website is very convenient and helpful for other users. The seller websites have provided a userfriendly platform to express their opinion or review of a product without any biases. These reviews help other users make better decisions, so the process of reputation generation is of great relevance at the current time. Reputation is the score of credibility and reliability, which plays a vital role as having a poor reputation could affect the product market value. So, generating an accurate reputation is critical. We have proposed a Naïve Bayes unigram and bigram-based model which performs opinion mining and sentiment analysis and generates reputation using Weighted Arithmetic Mean value on the movie dataset. The results have shown improvement with respect to the existing models.


Reputation Generation,Naïve Bayes,Sentiment Analysis,Opinion Mining,Weighted Arithmetic Mean,


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Atif Saeed,Rusel Bhaleshah,Behroz Noorani,Marium Feeroze Alvi,




This document concerned with the recycling or refreshing of the paper currency the circulation of the paper currency make it to loses its stiffness and due to the contaminated environment and humidity different kind of bacteria will grow on the surface of the currency which may cause different kind of diseases such as skin allergies, rashes , tuberculosis etc. As we know that Pakistan is among the underdeveloped countries with low GDP and every year printing of new currency notes always increase the burden on the economy of the country which s already suffering from economic crisis. PCBRPM is one of the solution to increase the stiffness of the paper currency by using hot press as well as for the removal of germs and stains it will clean it with water and antibacterial agent which will remove dirt stain and bacteria from the currency to complete the refreshing affect with the economical factor which will decrease the cost and expenditure to print new currency notes


Bacteria,Currency,Recycling,Refreshing,Economy,Hot Press,Cleaning agent,Stains,Contaminated environment,Commercial,Market Analysis,


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Sembiyev Ordabay,Kemelbekova Zhanar,




In this paper was considered a model for computing the statistical parameters of the quality of service of an asynchronous network. In many respects, the achievable level of the quality of the services provided is determined at the design stage of the network, when decisions are made regarding the subscriber capacity of stations, the capacity of the bundles of trunk channels, the composition and volume of telecommunications services provided. The current economic and political conditions created the creation of territorially distributed enterprises and structures, which necessitated the construction of corporate communication networks that provide high-quality and reliable communications to large departments, corporations and industries, for example, the central apparatus with regional enterprises or the connection of enterprises among themselves. The process of information exchange is actively stimulated by the expansion of the commercial activities of large companies. Thus, for today the problem of creation of corporate communication networks, having their principal differences from public networks is at the forefront.


Broadband digital network with integration of services,multiservice traffic,asynchronous data transmission network,switching nodes,switches,asynchronous transfer mode,


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Atif Saeed,Mukarram Hussain Shah,ShayanShahid,




Concentrated Solar Power can be the solution of today. Solar power being available in plenty can be harnessed using many of the concentrated solar power technologies. Climate changes are observed throughout the world and according to research reports, fresh water resources are drying up at a very high rate. In order to tackle the need of fresh water, Concentrated Solar desalination is prosed. Parabolic trough collector technology is to be employed with simple distillation phenomenon. Construction, calculations, implementation and results would be discussed in this report.


Desalination,Solar Energy Harvesting,Efficient system,Mechanical Experimentation,


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