Journal Vol – 14 No -3, June 2019

To Negate The Power Losses In Grid System By Selecting Case Study Of Malakand Divison


Hamza Mustajab, Muhammad Aamir Aman, Fazal Wahab Karam, Muhammad Mustajab Khan



Electricity frame has constantly changed over the past decades but there has not been quite improvement on increasing the production capability. Keeping in view of the increased movement of population from the rural to urban and ever increasing load of the industrial and agricultural areas the need for electrical power has sky rocketed. There is not only problem with the production side but also with the transmission to the consumer end which makes the problem even more serious and needs to be addressed vigilantly. The load demand of Chakdara and other grid station was calculated as 550 MV. The available source for Mardan to Chakdara could cater load = 270MW load shered and Dargai, Golan gol and Bahrain Powerhouse equal to 60MW. Load demand to be covered =550-(270+50) = 220MVA. By energizing 220 kV grid station Chakdara the load shered = 240 MW, load shedding vanished. This research paper brings us to this conclusion that the system is facing issues like identification of problems, proper management, and inability of the government to take appropriate action, lack of investing parties and also highlights and point out the areas that need improvement.


Power Losse, Grid System, Power Hous, Renewable Ener,Piezoelectric,Electrical Energy,


I.B. Awan and Z. A. Khan, “Recent progress in renewable energy– remedy of energy crisis in pakistan,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 33,pp. 236–253, 2014
II.Development of a Digital Model for Oman Electrical Transmission Main Grid Omar H. Abdalla, Senior Member, IEEE, Hilal Al-Hadi, and Hisham Al-Riyami Member, IEEE
III.Economic Survey of Pakistan, “Economic Survey of Pakistan”, Ministry of Finance, Government of Islamic Republic Pakistan
IV.G. P. Kilanc and I. Or, “A decision support tool for the analysis of pricing, investment and regulatory processes in a decentralized electricity market”.M. N.Fatemi, “Solar ready roof design for high-performing solar installation in dhaka:Potentials and strategies,” Energy Technology (ICDRET’lZ), 2012.
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VI.Muhammad Aamir Aman*1, Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi2, Murad Ali3, Akhtar Khan4 Department of Electrical Engineering, Iqra National University,Pakistan Email : “To Negate the influences of Un-deterministic Dispersed Generation on Interconnection to the Distributed System
considering Power Losses of the system” J.Mech.Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-13,No.-3, July-August (2018) Pages 117-132.
VII.N. Haq and K. Hussain, “Energy crisis in Pakistan,” IPRI Fact file, 2008.
VIII.P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994.S. M.Kaplan, F. Sissine, and T. Net, Smart Grid: Modernizing electric power transmission and distribution; Energy independence, Storage and security;Energy independence and security act of 2007 (EISA); Improving electrical grid efficiency communication, reliability, and resiliency; integrating new and renewable energy sources. The Capitol Net Inc, 2009.
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A comparison of Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Special Moment Resisting Beam-Column Joints vs. Weak Beam Column Joints Using Seismostruct


Usama Ali, Naveed Ahmad, Yaseen Mahmood, Hamza Mustafa, Mehre Munir



This paper focusses on a numerical model of a Reinforced Concrete Special Moment Resisting frame beam-column joint. The software chosen for this purpose is Seismostruct. The experimental models chosen for this purpose; referred to as Model-1 (Code Compliant), and Model-2 (Non-code complaint), are two-story twobay frames based on experimental model scaled at 1:3, and tested in University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar. Link elements that follow a distinct predefined constitutive law based on Kim (2012) and Takeda (1970) have been introduced at beam-column joint interface to simulate the failure mechanism in joint panel. Roof displacements, base shear and local damage mechanism of the numerical analysis are compared with the experimental results for the verification of the calibrated numerical models. The results showed close similarity of experimental data with numerical results with a percentage error of less than 5 percent and showed a very close resemblance of local damage mechanism. The numerical models obtained is further used to perform the seismic evaluation of code compliant and code deficient models and results like drift profile and inter-story drift ratio are calculated. Furthermore the response of both models against DBE and MCE is also determined and results shows that beam-column joints in code compliant as well as code deficient models behave in an inelastic manner and hence considering a beamcolumn joint element as a rigid panel in MCE analysis is not a valid assumption. In addition to shear cracking, bar slip mechanism was also generated in code deficient model which caused in an increased story drift, which can be prevented by adequate design of beam-column joint assemblage providing confinement for the concrete strut mechanism and proper bond anchorage to avoid bar slip mechanism.


Weak beam-column joint, exterior joint,Seismostruct, local mechanism,Drift ratio,Seismic loading,Frame,Special moment resisting frame,


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An application of Z-N Tuning method with PID controller to optimize the system performance of cardiac muscle modeland it’s practical implementation using OP AMP


Aishwarya Banerjee, Soumyendu Bhattacharjee, Biswarup Neogi



The control system consisting different components mainly regulates, manages as well as senses the behavior of another system and gives the desired output. The properly tuned controllers are used widely in different industrial applications. This paper concentrates on the work based on the PID tuning by applying Z-N rule to get the optimized performance of control system based modeling of human cardiac muscle. The another aim of this paper is the addition of pole at origin in plant along with PID controller to increase the type of open loop transfer function of plant as steady state error for any input test signal reduces with the increment of type of a system. Due to addition of pole, transient part may get deteriorated as order increases with the increment of type of plant. To balance this fact, a proper PID controller has been introduced and designed by applying Z-N tuning rule to get an output with better dynamic and static performance of the total system. At the end of this work an OP-Amp based practical implementation of PID controller has been done to calculate the controller parameters in terms of resistance and capacitance for real life application.


PID controller, Addition of pole,Z-N tuning rule,Op-Amp.,


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A Deliberate and Comprehensive Derivation from an Equation of the Special Theory of Relativity


Prasenjit Debnath



A remarkable year was 1905 in physics and astronomy when Einstein first proposed the special theory of relativity. This theory is the foundation of modern astronomy and astrophysics. This theory was also the foundation of the theory of general relativity proposed by Einstein in 1915 to incorporate gravity into the system. Thus, the special theory of relativity already became of supreme importance in physics since the beginning of nineteenth century and it continues to be the right from the word go theory in modern physics. An attempt is made in this paper for a deliberate and comprehensive derivation from an equation of the special theory of relativity. The derivation is made with an aim to look deep inside of the theory of special relativity to conclude a comprehensive conclusion. Also some conceptual modifications are arranged to justify the conclusion. The physical time, mass and velocity are related in some equations in this paper.


The special theory of relativit, the general theory of relativit,the physical time,mass and velocity,the velocity of light,relativistic mass,


I.Stephen Hawking, “The Beginning of Time”, A Lecture.
II.Roger Penrose, “Cycles of Time”, Vintage Books, London, pp. 50-56.
III.Stephen Hawking, “A Briefer History of Time”, Bantam Books, London, pp.1-49.
IV.Stephen Hawking, “Black holes and Baby Universes and other essays”, Bantam Press, London 2013, ISBN 978-0-553-40663-4
V.Stephen Hawking, “The Grand Design”, Bantam Books, London 2011
VI.Stephen Hawking, “A Brief History of Time”, Bantam Books, London 2011, pp. 156-157. ISBN-978-0-553-10953-5
VII.Stephen Hawking, “The Universe in a Nutshell”, Bantam Press, London 2013, pp. 58-61, 63, 82-85, 90-94, 99, 196. ISBN 0-553-80202-X
VIII.Stephen Hawking, “A stubbornly persistent illusion-The essential scientific works of Albert Einstein”, Running Press Book Publishers, Philadelphia, London 2011.
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Factors Affecting the Performance of Construction Projects in Pakistan


Muhammad Iqbal, Imtiaz Khan, Fawad Ahmad, Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad, Mehre Munir



There is a French dictum “when the construction industry prospers everything prospers”. Construction, a term that encompasses activities related to the creation of physical infrastructure and related activities, plays a crucial role in the economy of any country with estimated share of 40-60 % in gross fixed capital formation and having linkage of more than 60 other associated industries. Today, construction is the second largest sector in Pakistan’s economy after agriculture. Roughly 30-35% of employment is directly or indirectly affiliated with the construction sector. In Pakistan, a Construction Project can be categorized as high risk as it is very complex and involves a variety of stakeholders looking after their own interests. In order to make sure that the projects are completed within the key measures of budgeted cost, allocated time and required quality, identification of causes affecting the project performance is very much necessary so that stakeholders can take proactive steps to avoid such situations and manage effectively and systematically to achieve the project performance objectives of time, cost and quality. The purpose of this Paper is to investigate the major obstacles and constraints in the performance of construction projects in Pakistan. In this paper a local construction project case study and facts which I observed during my 16+ years of experience in dealing with construction projects are taken into account to document the bottlenecks. The case study is the construction of Earth Dam Project in Tribal region of KPK, where I worked as a Resident Engineer. The project performance has been suffered adversely equally by roles played by the design consultant, the Employer, the supervisory consultant, the Contractor and country political situation and regional security. Finally, main recommendations with discussions are presented that will help to overcome the related obstacles and hindrances in project performance in construction industry of Pakistan. Similar methodology is adopted in Document of the World Bank Discussion Paper Series: Technical Note:9 LOCAL CASE STUDIES November 2007, where case studies of several past infrastructure projects in different sectors including roads, airport, motoway and irrigation were reviewed to document the bottlenecks which occurred during the various processes involved in the life cycle of infrastructure projects. Identifying such processes allows a better understanding of the capacity constraints in planning, designing, programming, procurement, contract administration, financing and budgeting, execution and other stages in a project cycle.


Construction Project, the project performance objectives, planning,designing programming,infrastructure projects,


I.Assessment of Pakistan Construction Industry-Current Performance and the Way Forward”. Rizwan U.farooquui & Syed M.Ahmed* Dept of Construction Management, Florida International University, USA, Sarosh H.Lodhi, Professor/Chairman, NED Karachi.
II.An Overview Of Comparison Between Constructions Contracts In Malaysia”. Zarabizan bin Zakaria, Syuhaida binti, Ismail, Aminah binti Md Yusof, University Technology Malaysia.
III.Contract Administration and Management in Pakistan”. Engr. Iftikhar Ul Haq.
IV.CPEC & Pakistan Economy: An Appraisal”. Dr, Ishrat Hussain, former Governor State Bank of Pakistan.
V.Effects of Lowest Bidding Bid Awarding System in Public Sector Construction Projects in Pakistan”. Tariq Hussain Khan α & Abdul Qadir Khan.
VI.Economic Impact of Terrorism on Construction Industry of Pakistan”.Rehan Masood, department of civil engineering, Lahore, Rizwan Ul Haq Farooqui, department of civil engineering, NED Karachi.
VII.Fidic’s Red Book, The Conditions Of Contract For Works Of Civil Engineering Construction” Published In 1987, the 4th Edition
VIII.FATA Reforms: Contextual Analysis & Legislative Review”. National Commission for Human Rights.
IX.Study on Delaying Factors Affecting the Success of Construction Projects in Pakistan”. Sameeda Semab, Anwar Khan and Dr.Fayaz Ali Shah,journal of administrative & business Studies, Peshawar July-Dec 2017.
X.TRIBUNE, 24 MARCH, 2019”. Hasnaat Malik, Published: July 19, 2018
XI.Unethical Practices in Pakistani Construction Industry”. Dr. Tahir Nawaz,Associate Professor, Amjad Ali Ikram, Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad, Pakistan
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Reliability Application Using Discrete Gamma Distribution


Zainab Falih Hamza, Thaera N. Al-Ameer, Firas M. Al-Badran



This research dials with discrete counter-part of continuous gamma distribution. In fact, the statistical and reliability properties of this distribution are discuss and some interesting interrelationships. Furthermore, an estimation of the underlying parameter and reliability for this distribution are utilized using different samples sizes, that’s done through different simulation experiments by use (R3.5.1) program, the simulation outputs proved that the Maximum likelihood method gives small bias estimators. An application done at two Soap production machines belongs to the Vegetable Oil Plant. The results show that the second machine which follows DGD (3) is more reliable from the first one.


Discrete Gamma distribution, Maximum Likelihoo, Reliabilit function,


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A Rice Quality Analysis with Image Classification using Sobel Filetr


Nouf Saeed Alotaibi



In agricultural industries grain quality evaluation is very big challenge. Personal satisfaction control is extremely critical for sustenance business as a result then afterward harvesting, In view of caliber parameters nourishment results would arranged Also graded under different evaluations. Grain caliber assessment will be carried manually at it is relative, the long haul consuming, might a chance to be changing effects and expensive. With succeed these restrictions What's more deficiency image transforming systems will be the elective result can be utilized to grain personal satisfaction examination. Rice caliber may be nothing yet the blending of physical and more concoction aspects. Grain span and shape, chalkiness, whiteness, processing degree, greater part thickness and dampness content would A percentage physical qualities same time amylase content, gelatinization temperature Furthermore gel consistency are compound aspects of rice. The paper displays an answer for evaluating What's more assessment about rice grains on the foundation of grain size also state utilizing image transforming techniques. Particularly edge identification calculation may be used to figure out the area of limits for each grain. In this technology we discover those end- focuses about every grain and after utilizing caliper we could measure the length Furthermore broadness of rice. This technique obliges least time Also it will be low previously, expense.


Grain Evaluation, Image processing,MATLAB,Rice characteristics,Grain quality,


I.Bhavesh B. Prajapati, Sachin Patel, “Classification of Indian Basmati Rice Using Digital Image Processing as per Indian Export Rules”, International Research Journal of computer Science Engineering and Applications, Vol.2 Issue 1, January 2013.
II.Bhupinder Verma, “Image Processing Techniques for Grading & Classification of Rice”, International Confer- ence on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT), pp. 220-223, 2012.
III.Chetana V. Maheshwari, Kavindra R. Jain, Chintan K. Modi, “Non- destructive Quality Analysis of Indian Gu- jarat-17 Oryza Sativa SSP Indica (Rice) Using Image Processing”, International Journal of Computer Engi- neering Science (IJCES) , Vol. 2 Issue 3, March 2012.
IV.G.Ajay, M.Suneel, K.Kiran Kumar, P.Siva Prasad, “Qual- ity Evaluation of Rice Grains Using Morphological Methods”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), pp. 35-37, Vol. 2, Issue 6, January
V.Harpreet Kaur, Baljit Singh, “Classification & Grading Rice using Multi- Class SVM ”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), Vol. 3, Is- sue 4, April 2013.
VI.S. Kanchana, S. Lakshmi Bharati, M. Ilamran and K. Singaravadivel, “Physical Quality of Selected Rice Veri- ties”, World Journal of Agriculture Sciences, pp. 468-472, 2012.
VII.Shilpa J. Bhonsle, “Grain Quality Evaluation and Or- ganoleptic Analysis of Aromatic Rice Varieties of Goa, India”, Journal of Agricultural Science, pp. 99- 107, Vol. 2, No. 3; September 2010.
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Mechanical behavior of concrete having springs at different zones


Imtiaz khan, Intikhab Ahmad, Fawad Ahmed, Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad



Concrete durability, strength, manageability, and economy have made it the world's most generally utilized development material. The term Concrete alludes to a blend of totals, normally sand, and either (rock or smashed stone) coarse aggregates, held together by a binder of cementitious paste. Concrete has great compressive quality however almost no rigidity, subsequently constraining its utilization in development. . Thus it needs assistance in opposing pliable anxieties caused by twisting forces from connected burdens which would bring about breaking and at last disappointment. Due to the increasing demands of concrete strength & ductility in our modern day construction, increases the demand to address the importance of this concept once again. As many techniques/researches has been carried to improve the strength of concrete prior which has been successful to some extent but still increase in the strength of plain cement concrete considered to be a future challenge. In this research the focus on increasing the strength of concrete is by embedding steel springs phenomena in the different zones of concrete samples are studied. Tension and compression steel springs attached to base plate embedded in the concrete samples, and are tested for compressive and tensile strength of the concrete. Results shows that steel springs can be effective in the strength of concrete at specified zones. Hence it is recommended using steel springs in the concrete at effective zones to increase the strength of concrete.


Mechanical behavior of concrete,twisting forces, concrete strength & ductility,Tension and compression steel springs,


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Energy Efficient Backend Cluster Head and Fault Tolerance model for Wireless Sensor Networks


Ch. Rambabu, V.V.K.D.V. Prasad, K. Satya Prasad



Fault Tolerance and energy consumption are the constraints in designing Wireless Sensor Network’s (WSN’s) while most of the Base station’s designed are based on energy usage whereas medical care systems need fault tolerant systems. In previous works, numerous clustering procedures are intended for network clustering. There doesn’t exist any recovery methods in the clustering procedures in case if CH node fails. Since the load is enlarged at the CH nodes, the energy depletion occurs more quickly which results in CH failure. Centered on the proposed technique, distance and residual energy are the two parameters that are considered to select BKCH. This BKCH which act as CH aggregates the data and send them back to the BS when there occurs a failure in the elected CHs. For solving the problems produced by faults of Cluster Heads, an Energy efficient Backup Cluster Head Fault tolerance (EE-BKCH-FT) is offered. We present two strategies to find the optimal position of BS’s: 1) low energy usage while transmission 2) low energy usage when a CH fails. Considering weight factor and the above conditions the position of a CH is decided as fault tolerance is highly recommended as to increase network lifetime which can sustain in any environmental conditions even if CH failures happen. Simulation results given by NS2 software are utilized to verify the efficiency of proposed method compared to the surviving approaches.


WSN, Routing,Fault Tolerance,Clustering, Backup cluster head, Node failure,Relay node,Coverage, Network lifetime,


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The Natural Logarithmic Transformation and its Applications


Emad Kuffi, Elaf Sabah Abbas



In this paper, a new integral transformation is proposed, where the transformation kernel is the natural logarithmic function 𝑙𝑛(∝ 𝑥), ∝> 0, 𝑥 > 0 , the transformation interval is the closed interval 􁉂 􀬵 ∝ , 1􁉃, and the range of its kernel 𝑙𝑛(∝ 𝑥) is the entire set of the real numbers (−∞ < 𝑙𝑛(∝ 𝑥) < ∞). The wide range of the kernel for the proposed transformation giving it a wider usage from the other transformations such as Laplace transformation which its kernel is (𝑒􀬿􀰈􀯫 )and its range includes the natural numbers only ((𝑒􀬿􀰈􀯫) > 0). The proposed integral transformation is called “the logarithmic integral transformation” based on the kernel of the transformation. Some properties and theorems are presented for this new transformation.


Boundary value, changing the measurement theorem,derivative transformation theorem, existence theorem, first transition theore,logarithmi integral transformation,


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