


Mehrunnisa Saleem, Sheeraz Ahmed, Salman Ahmad, Safdar Nawaz Khan Marwat, Adnan Khan, Muhammad Aadil, Said Ul Abrar



The ability to check the location of both static and dynamic devices is improving increasingly with each passing day. To track locations of both static and dynamic machines, Global Positioning System (GPS) is used to exchange the location between the sender and the receiver. However, there are still challenges in the sage and secure transmission and reception of GPS location. The most common challenge is spoofing attacks data. This paper proposes the implementation of a Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption algorithm to ensure the safety of GPS packets shared across the communication channels. The GPS location is first encrypted and subsequently sent across a communication channel, which is strong encryption and cannot be decrypted by an unauthorized user.


Spoofing,Encryption,Decryption,Global Positioning System (GPS),


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Sitangshu Roy, Nabonita Pal, Mourani Sinha, Sufia Zaman, Abhijit Mitra



The branch of computer science that deals with the simulation of variables with the help of a computer are termed Artificial Intelligence (AI). Here we attempt to predict the pace of acidification in the Digha coast of the Bay of Bengal based on available datasets of more than three decades. The ground zero observation on the data set reveals a decreasing trend of pH since 1984 with a sudden hike in premonsoon 2020, the period coinciding with the COVID 19 lockdown phase in the Indian sub-continent.


Artificial Intelligence (AI),Digha coast,aquatic pH,COVID 19 lockdown phase,


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Indrajit Ghosh, Sukhen Das, Nabajit Chakravarty



In this review, we have discussed the important recent theoretical research works on tropical cyclone dynamics. For mitigation of the devastating effect of tropical cyclones on coastal human civilization more and more advanced forecasting techniques are evolving nowadays with the increase in the frequency of generation of tropical cyclones. Thus it is of utmost necessity to understand the anatomy and physiology of the dynamics of tropical cyclones. So researchers explain the cyclonic system from a different point of view and that is highlighted in this review. So this review illustrates, in brief, some important developed models.


tropical cyclone,cyclostrophic flow,thermal wind,gale wind,wind gusts,storm surge,bathymetry,barotropic wind,baroclinic atmosphere,gradient wind,potential temperature,


I. Arora, K., P. Dash, 2016: Towards dependence of tropical cyclone intensity on sea surface temperature and its response in a warming World.vMDPIArticlebClimate.,b4,30.b
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Nibedita Mukhopadhyay, Abhijit Mitra



              In this study, the effect of COVID-19 lockdown (2020) on dissolved heavy metal load (Zn, Cu, and Pb) in the coastal West Bengal were analyzed concerning the pre-COVID 19 phases (2016-2019). Two stations namely Shankarpur (Stn.1) and Haldia (Stn. 2) were selected for the study as both have two contrasting operational features. Haldia is an important port-cum-industrial complex whereas Shankarpur is an important fish landing station-cum-tourism site. The results showed that in both the stations there was a drastic fall in the metal concentrations due to lockdown implementation, but in Haldia, the aquatic health exhibits much improvement as in lockdown there was complete shut-down of the industries. ANOVA results also highlight significant variations between the two stations as well as between the pre COVID-19 (2016-2019) and COVID-19 lockdown phases.        


Dissolved heavy metals,Covid-19 lockdown,coastal West Bengal,ANOVA,


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Pallavi Dutta , Mourani Sinha, Prosenjit Pramanick, Sufia Zaman, Abhijit Mitra



Microbial load in terms of Total Coliform (TC) and Fecal Coliform (FC) were documented in the water of a shrimp culture farm at Malancha region of North 24 Parganas for a period of 36 years (1984-2019). The region receives the wastewater from the city of Kolkata. A steady hike in the microbial load (comprising of both total and fecal coliform) is noticed. The primary reason behind this rise of the microbial load is the run-off from the nearby landmasses that brings various types of wastes in the shrimp farm under investigation.  The sustainability of shrimp farms in this region is under question due to the huge microbial load as revealed from the output of NAR.


Total coliform (TC),fecal coliform (FC),shrimp culture,Malancha in North 24 Paraganas,Non-linear Auto Regressive model (NAR),


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