Journal Vol – 14 No -4, August 2019

Canonical Equations of Singular Mechanical Systems in Terms of Quasi-coordinates


Zheng Mingliang



The constrained mechanical systems by quasi-coordinates are more universal than by generalized coordinates. In this paper, the motion equations of nonconservative singular mechanical systems by quasi-coordinates in phase space are studied. The regularization forms of Boltzmann-Hamel equations for general holonomic and nonholonomic singular mechanical systems are derived. The results show that the canonical equations expressed by quasi-coordinates and quasivelocities have a completely single structure, which do not depend on the constraints or not. The nonholonomic singular mechanical system is a natural extension of the general holonomic singular mechanical system.


Quasi coordinates,Singular mechanical systems,Canonical Equaitons,


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Use Dimensionality Reduction and SVM Methods to Increase the Penetration Rate of Computer Networks


Amir Moradibaad, Ramin Jalilian Mashhoud



In the world today computer networks have a very important position and most of the urban and national infrastructure as well as organizations are managed by computer networks, therefore, the security of these systems against the planned attacks is of great importance. Therefore, researchers have been trying to find these vulnerabilities so that after identifying ways to penetrate the system, they will provide system protection through preventive or countermeasures. SVM is considered as one of the major algorithms for intrusion detection. One of the major problems is the time of training and the need to improve its efficiency when it comes to work with large dimensions. In this research, we try to study a variety of malware and methods of intrusion detection, provide an efficient method for detecting attacks and utilizing dimension reduction. Thus, we will be able to detect attacks by carefully combining these two algorithms and pre-processes that are performed before the two on the input data. The main question raised in this study is how we can identify attacks on computer networks with the above-mentioned method. In anomalies diagnostic method, by identifying behavior as a normal behavior for the user, the host, or the whole system, any deviation from this behavior is considered as an abnormal behavior, which can be a potential occurrence of an attack. In this research, the network intrusion detection system is used by anomaly detection method that uses the SVM algorithm for classification and SVD to reduce the size. The various steps of the proposed method include pre-processing of the data set, feature selection, support vector machine, and evaluation. The NSL-KDD data set has been used to teach and test the proposed model. In this study, we inferred the intrusion detection using the SVM algorithm for classification and SVD for diminishing dimensions with no classification algorithm. And also the KNN algorithm has been compared in situations with and without diminishing dimensions and the results have shown that the proposed method has a better performance than comparable methods.


intrusion detection rate,computer networks,SVM,


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An Efficient Statistical Feature Selection Based Classification


K. Laxmi Narayanamma, R. V. Krishnaiah, P. Sammulal



Initial identification about pancreatic cancer (PC) will be a very challenging task due to particular symptoms of cancer happens only at an advanced phase & a dependable screening device to detect high danger patients. To know this challenge, a new method for decreasing the features might have been developed, tested & trained with the use of the health information of 800,114 defendants caught in the “national health interview survey (NHIS)”& Pancreatic, Colorectal, Lung, & “PLCO (ovarian cancer)” datasets, together risk of cancer might have been evaluated at a distinct level by including 18 characteristics under the recommended. The recognized “hybrid feature selection method” attained a true positive rate of 87.3 & 80.7% a true negative rate 0.86 & 0.85 for the training and testing associates, individually.


American Cancer Society (ACS),Machine learning (ML),Feature selection (FS),Feature extraction (FE),pancreatic cancer (PC),


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Finite Element Simulation of Thermal Behavior of Dry Friction Clutch System during the Slipping Period


Jenan S. Sherza, Ihsan Y. Hussain, Oday I. Abdullah



Most of failures in the friction clutches occur due to the excessive heat generated due to friction between various parts, and this heat causes high temperatures leading to high thermal stresses. In the present research paper, numerical simulation had been developed using finite element method to simulate the thermal behavior of the dry friction clutch. Three-dimensional finite element model was made and analyzed using ANSYS/Workbench sofware18. The friction clutch system was firstly modeled mathematically and solved numerically to determine the transient thermal response of the clutch disc. The two fundamental methods of uniform wear and uniform pressure are assumed. The applied torque during the sliding period was constant. The temperature and heat generated were estimated for each clutch part (pressure plate, clutch disc and flywheel) using heat partition ratio. The assumptions that are inherent in the derivation of the governing equations are presented which followed up by the appropriate boundary conditions. The results show that the maximum temperature values for uniform pressure condition are greater than those for uniform wear condition. Also, the temperature value increased with time and approximately reaches the highest value at the middle of the sliding period when the applied torque is constant with time and then decreased to the final values at the end of slipping period.


Dry friction clutch,thermal analysis,3D FEM,


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Solar Penetration Analysis Techniques for Photovoltaic Energy and Smart Grid Management


Zahoor Ahmed, Junaid Zaffar, Rashid Aleem, Ehtasham-ul-Haq, Nurali Pyarali, Mehr E Munir



As the world thrives for power in order to strengthen its industrial demands and economy, traditional power sources are becoming more and more difficult to fulfill the rising demands. Renewable energy demand in the world whether third world countries or leading ones of the era, has seen a boost in recent decades. Photovoltaic and solar energy is an ongoing trend in power system designers, researchers and companies. As sun is the free source of energy, the world now a days achieves 30% of its total energy from it. Solar power is sporadic and is not constant, as solar source at the ground level is extremely reliant on clouds density, atmospheric conditions with other restrictions. These limitations become a challenging task for engineers and energy managers to focus the energy constraints and came up with managing plan in order to produce and manage energy efficiently in smart grids. This paper focuses on energy constraints of both solar resource and PV power alongside smart grid energy management.


Solar energy,PV cells, energy forecast,smart grid management,


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α -ideals in a 0-distributive lattice


R. M. Hafizur Rahman



In this paper we have studied the α -ideals in a 0-distributive lattice. We have described the α -ideals by two definition and proved that these are equivalent. We have given several characterizations. They have proved that a lattice L is disjunctive if and only if each ideal is an α -ideals. We have also included a prime separation theorem for α -ideals. At the end we have studied the α -ideals in a sectionally quasi-complemented lattice.


α -ideals,0-distributive lattice,separation theorem,quasicomplemented lattice,


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Investigating the behavior of steel structures with honeycomb damper against blast and earthquake loads


Navid Farrokhnia, Seyed Mojtaba Movahedifar



Earthquake is one of the most important natural phenomena and humans have always been trying to control its adverse effects. In the past century, the development of cities and the high investment in them and many financial and life losses caused by earthquake and, on the other hand, the ever-increasing advances in science and technology that allow for more accurate knowledge of the factors causing the earthquake and how to control it have made humans reduce its financial and life losses by making suitable and earthquake resistant structures. Today, due to the increasing growth of terrorist activities, the risk of structures facing blast loads has also increased. The occurrence of various terrorist incidents in relation to important structures around the world has caused that in recent years, blast loads become the focus of special attention. This article examines the connection of steel structures with honeycomb damper by applying blast and earthquake loads in Abaqus finite element software. Three frame models with 6, 9 and 13 floors have been considered for the study. For air blast, 10 Kg of TNT have been used. To apply earthquake records, seven pairs of accelerograms have been employed. By examining the results of numerical modeling in Abaqus finite element software, it can be observed that as a result of applying blast load, the damper could not react. But due to applying earthquake records, the damper’s behavior was very good so that at the beamcolumn joint, the highest amount of stress was created in the damper. Considering that applying the blast loading occurs in less than a few milliseconds and the structure does not have enough time to react to this load, blast load failure has been local and sectional.


Blast,honeycomb damper,Abaqus,moment frame,


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Comparison between Alcoholic and Control Subjects in EEG signals Using Classification Methods


Shaymaa Adnan Abdulrahman



Alcoholism could be identified through analyzing electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Yet, it is difficult to analyze with multi-channel EEG signal since it is frequently needing long time for execution and complex calculations. The presented paper proposed 13 optimal channel to feature extraction. Firstly, 1200 recordings of biomedical signals will be presented for extracting the sample entropy. Statistical analysis approach will be utilized for the purpose of choosing the best channels for identifying abnormalities in alcoholics. Secondly four classifiers are applied at the decision level, Naïve Bayes, SVM, Logistic Regression, KNN, the accuracy was 80.1%,92.5%, 73.7% and 90.3%Respectively, in this study the SVM classifier is more accuracy .


EEG signal,optimal channel,abnormalities in alcoholics,SVM classifier,


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Synthesis and Characterization of PMMA Nanofibers for Filtration of Drinking Water


Bilal Ahmad, Ameer Hamza, Sheeraz Ahmed, Zeeshan Najam, Atif Ishtiaq



Currently, hundreds of consumer products in cludelarge-scale nanoparticles; this enhances the possibility of such particles to be released into water and in result causesenvironmental and human health issues. In this research, asynthesis of PolyMethylMethAcrylate (PMMA) nano-membrane for the filtration of nanoparticles from natural water is demonstrated. Electrospinning technique is deployed for the synthesis of PMMA nanofibers. The synthesized nanofibers are further optimized by adding Di-Methyl Formamide (DMF) and acetone that provides elasticity and increases the exterior area of the nano-membranes. The resultant membrane is tendbal and instinctivelyrobust enough to resist filtration under high stress. The synthesized nanofibers are further analyzed and characterized by using spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM).The SEM, UV-vis and FTIR result shows the filtration rate of the fabricated membrane could capably exclude nanoparticles with different sizes (from 10 to 100 nm in diameter) from a feed solution.


Electrospinning,Fiber diameter,FTIR,SEM,Water filtration,


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How the Higgs Field Effects the Wave Propagation of Waves as Wavy Resembles a Sine Wave. Why Astronomical Particles have Relationship between Shape (Elliptical) and Orbit (Elliptical).


Prasenjit Debnath



The space is filled with Higgs fields. As other fields like electric fields or magnetic fields, Higgs fields are of elliptical shape. Higgs fields are small individual fields represent a tiny part of space. Every adjacent Higgs Fields have opposite rotations, the repulsive force makes them to have unique identity for themselves which makes free space highly stable. Opposite rotation is the reason that any two Higgs fields do not mingle with each other to form larger field in free space, but under the influence of ordinary matter like Earth, Higgs fields change their orientations to be unidirectional to form a larger field called gravity. The larger the mass, the higher the number of Higgs fields to have unidirectional orientations. The force carrying particle Higgs Boson is responsible for Higgs field and the force carrying particle graviton is responsible for gravitational force. The unidirectional orientations of many small oval shaped Higgs Boson yields the graviton which has oval shape too. Thus, Higgs Boson and graviton are same force carrying particle acting differently at different situations. For example, stationary charge gives electric field where as moving charge gives magnetic field. The phenomenon of both is basically the same but looks different due to movement. Maxwell realized that the phenomenon of both is the same with the same force carrying particle but act differently at different situations. In this paper we will find, why wave propagations of waves are wavy. We will also find why the shape and orbit of astronomical objects are of similar pattern – elliptical or oval shape.


Astronomical Objects,Higgs Field,Graviton,Higgs Boson,Force Carrying Particle,


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