Journal Vol – 19 No – 9, September 2024



Imadeldin Elmutasim, Mohamad Shaiful, Izzeldin Mohamed, Khalid Bilal, Mohamed Hassan



A combination of science is a way to accommodate various effective phenomena that could influence the entire life cycle. Recently, emphasis has been placed on the electrochemical polymerization mechanism that is involved in numerous technological applications, including sensors and detectors. Accordingly, daily promises were raised to eliminate life disasters and alleviate the challenges such as water floods as a part of weather changes, which could cause severe damage to life health explicitly, infrastructure, economic productivity, and much more. The proposal considers the matter via compromising the water overflow as well as eliminating the disaster that would come in no warning time and tackling the climate emergency flooding with the potential of water reclamation and offers scholarly suggestions by the requirements of the scientific approach. The investigation clarified the electromagnetic absorber beside the electrochemical polymerization through engagement in the flooded water track stations and the calculation result shows that 19.73% could be absorbed when using 300 grams of polymer gel capacity in 240 grams of water. Generally, the paper explores the electromagnetic flood disaster and how to address it to build a more secure forthcoming.


Wavelength,Climate Change,Water Flood,Electromagnetic Chamber,Frequency,


I. Chao‐Song Huang. : ‘Global Pc5 Pulsations From the Polar Cap to the Equator: Wave Characteristics, Phase Variations, Disturbance Current System, and Signal Transmission.’ Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (2021) 126, 7. 10.1029/2020JA029093
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IV. I. E. Elmutasim and I. I. Mohd. : “Investigate the Electromagnetic Waves to Desalinate Gulf Water and Beyond.” 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Industrial Engineering (ICFIE), pp. 119-122, 2020. 10.1109/ICFIE50845.2020.9266726
V. I. E. Elmutasim and I. I. Mohd. : “Modeling over the Sea Surface within Elevated Duct,” 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Industrial Engineering (ICFIE), pp. 98-103, 2020, 10.1109/ICFIE50845.2020.9266731
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XIII. Xu, T.; Zhu, W.; Sun, J. : ‘Structural Modifications of Sodium Polyacrylate-Polyacrylamide to Enhance Its Water Absorption Rate.’ Coatings 2022, 12, 1234. 10.3390/coatings12091234
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XV. Zhukovsky, Konstantin V., and Hari M. Srivastava. : “Analytical solutions for heat diffusion beyond Fourier law.” Applied Mathematics and Computation. Vol 293, pp.423-437, 2017

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Bipanchy Buzarbarua, Parismita Phukan, Mridusmita Das, Bikash Barman



With the advancement of technology, maintaining secrecy is a crucial concern that requires a variety of skills. A scientific method for protecting communication against unauthenticated access is cryptography. In cryptography, there are several encryption techniques for data security. It has been suggested that new nonstandard encryption techniques are needed to shield communication from conventional threats. This work presents a method that uses graphs together with some algebraic features to provide some new encryption techniques for safe message transfer. The transmission of secret communications will be safer because of the suggested encryption techniques.


Cryptography,Decryption,Encryption,Star Graph,


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Iqbal M. Batiha, Nidal Anakira, Basma Mohamed



A minimum resolving set is a resolving set with the lowest cardinality and its cardinality is a dimension of connected graph , represented by . A dominating set  is a set of vertices such that each  of  is either in  or has at least one neighbor in .  The dominance number of  is the lowest cardinality of such a set. The lowest cardinality of the dominant resolving set is called a dominant metric dimension of , represented by . This paper presents an algorithm for finding the domination resolving number of a graph.


Domination Number,Metric Dimension,Resolving Dominating Set,


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Pramodini Sahu, Dillip Kumar Bera, Pravat Kumar Parhi



In Major construction projects execution and performance were being negatively impacted by claims and disputes in terms of cost overrun, quality, stakeholders relationships, and productivity. Therefore understanding the significance of underlying the claims is essential. In this study, the primary root causes behind delay claims and disputes in construction projects were identified, examined, and rated. The significance of these factors was assessed using Relative Importance Index (RII) values. In addition, a machine learning model employing the Random Forest Genetic Algorithm (RFGA) was implemented to foresee the related risks and ascertain their levels. In a pilot survey, the data were collected across multiple construction projects at different phases such as scrutiny stage, design and planning stage, bidding stage, operation stage, and maintenance or after-construction stage. From Relative Important Index values from the statistical approach, it emerges that delay claims are generally causes from the owner followed by project-specific activities. Delays in processing bill payments, natural disasters, lack of contract awareness, and delay in final bill payment are the top causes of delay claims which converted to conflicts and disputes in mostly operating stage. The Random Forest Genetic Algorithm model predicted that factors like altering the original design, reluctance to cooperate by contractor, and increase of wages have lower risk whereas factors Poor site conditions, delay in approvals of schedules and change orders, natural calamities, late in running bill payment, repetition of work due to error in original work are at higher risk in terms of conflict and dispute. The model gives an accuracy of 0.89 and 0.87 for training data and testing data. The study will highlight possible research avenues and enhance project management strategies so that the project succeeds its goal.


Relative Important Index,Construction Delay claims,RFGA,Risk prediction,conflict and dispute,


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R. Anil Kumar, Adireddy Ramesh, Sarala Patchala, U. Sreenivasulu, R. Prakash Kumar



The physical layer is implemented in the present communication era with new multicarrier modulation schemes such as Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing with Multi-Input and Multi-Output (MIMO-GFDM) antenna systems to achieve good spectral efficiency and diversity order. This paper presents precoded Space-Time-Frequency MIMO-GFDM performance analysis to improve the bit error rate performance without increasing transmission power and bandwidth compared to conventional techniques. The proposed system also enhances the diversity order over frequency selective fading channels. In general, we need to perform channel matrix inversion operations at the receiver or channel precoding matrix operations at the transmitter to detect the symbols of MIMO-GFDM systems. This paper's proposed scheme completes the same task without performing channel matrix inversion. Orthogonal transform techniques such as Haar, Harley, Walsh-Hadamard, and Slant transforms are used as precoders at the transmitter for the proposed scheme. The simulation results are validated on the MATLAB working platform. We have compared the bit error rate of the PSTF-MIMO-GFDM system with Space-Time (ST) and Space Frequency (SF) as baseline schemes and different orthogonal transform precoding techniques.




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Zainab Mohanad Issa, Layla H. Abood, Dalal Abdulmohsin, Basim Galeb, Aqeel Al-Hilali



The goal of this study is to give headways in aeronautical article ID that will help with making recognitions that are both more exact and more precise. Specifically, we revamp the meaning of the article recognition anchor enclose request to remember turns for expansion to level and width, and besides, we make it conceivable to have erratic four corner point structures. Furthermore, the consideration of new anchor boxes gives the model additional adaptability to address protests that are focused at a pivot of turn that gives a 45-degree point. By accomplishing these results, we can make an organization that considers negligible tradeoffs about speed and unwavering quality, while likewise giving more exact restrictions. The latest ways to deal with PC vision and article acknowledgment are for the most part dependent on brain organizations and different advances that utilize profound learning. This powerful field of study is utilized in various applications, including military and observation, aeronautical photography, independent driving, and airborne perception. To precisely locate the location of an item, contemporary object identification techniques make use of bounding boxes that are drawn over the object and have a rectangular form (horizontal and vertical). These orthogonal bounding boxes do not consider the posture of the object, which leads to a decrease in the amount of object localization and restricts subsequent tasks such as object comprehension and tracking. We have used the DOTA dataset to present all of the results, demonstrating the value of flexible object boundaries, particularly with rotated and non-rectangular objects. We have also achieved an accuracy of 98.47% for the detection and classification of aerial objects, with forty percent of the data being used for training and the remaining twenty percent being used for testing. There was a minimum of 2.8 seconds of processing time required for the whole program to be executed to categorize all of the aerial items that were parked on the base.


Aerial Imaging,Aeronautical Article ID,CNN,Classification,DOTA,YOLO,


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Nilesh Kumar, Quazzafi Rabbani, Nurul Azeez Khan



Effective customer service and operational excellence are critical components of corporate success, particularly in today's changing business world. This paper examines the crucial role that inventory management plays in controlling and improving customer service and operational efficiency in businesses. Companies that efficiently manage inventory levels may ensure the timely fulfillment of client orders, minimize stockpiles, and increase efficiency. Furthermore, efficient inventory management contributes to boosting operating efficiency, lowering logistical costs, and increasing profitability. This study extensively reviews the literature and case studies to explore the best strategies utilized in inventory management to attain these objectives. It also investigates the influence of inventory management on performance and offers useful insights for companies looking to use inventory management as a strategic strategy to gain a sustained competitive advantage.


Customer Service,Customer Satisfaction,Operational Efficiency,Inventory Management,


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Fadayini O., Omoko I. D., Adenekan I. O., Akinmoladun O. M., Obisanya A. A., Madumere S. O.



The dynamic of the heat transfer analysis constitutes an important factor that has drawn the attention of many researchers. Heat transfer is evaluated by considering the heat transfer coefficient, the surface area, and the temperature difference between the surface and the surrounding fluid. The computation of the temperature difference across various surface areas shows that increased heat transfer enhances the proportion of the heat conduction rate. In most cases, the system becomes unstable because inappropriate structural elements and outside disturbances, like ambient temperature can readily change the yielding temperature. As a result, the heat exchanger's efficiency needs improvement. A numerical simulation analyzing the performance of a shell and tube heat exchanger indicates that an increase in the surface area leads to a corresponding increase in the heat transfer rate. To optimize system performance, mathematical models were employed for the stability analysis of temperature changes. MATLAB simulations computed temperature differences in quantities of heat and area, thereby obtaining valuable insights for improving heat exchanger design and operation.  


Heat Exchanger,Lyapunov Methods,Numerical,Shell and Tube,Temperature,Stability,


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Arunesh Kumar Mishra, Kulbhushan Singh, Akhilesh Kumar Mishra



The Present paper deals with a special type of interpolation problem, in which we have prescribed the values of the function at Ki and Ki+1 and the whole interval is divided into n equal sub-intervals of width.. We will derive a spline function of Degree 3 which will be able to interpolate this polynomial function, we name it three point spline (TPS). We have shown here how to change the next control point during further interpolation. We have also discussed the case, of whether this spline can be used for evaluating curvature. 


Interpolation,Spline Function,Control points,Norm,Quadrature & Parameterization,


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Ahmed Hussein Ahmed, Aqeel Al-Hilali



In recent times, several sectors and businesses have been doing extensive research on the usage of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) and Radio Frequency Over Fiber (RFOF). These two technologies are considered to be the most significant features. Increasing the data rate was a significant challenge that needed to be addressed, and the goal was to successfully implement a fiber optic system that was dependable and had a high number of associated channels. As a consequence of this, a 64-channel DWDM RFOF system that is capable of supporting a larger number of data rates of 2.56 Tbps has been designed and implemented in this study. A significant number of channels that have been sampled will be chosen for inquiry based on the characteristics of Quality Factor (QF) and Bit Error Rate (BER) that have been researched. This study will be carried out with the assistance of Optisystem software. These findings would be investigated at distances ranging from sixty to one hundred eighty kilometers, with the NRZ modulation format being used and a lunched power of zero decibels per meter. Additionally, the purpose of this study would be to explore the three distinct techniques of compensation, namely pre, post, and symmetrical, to quantify the individual performance of each approach on the suggested system. According to the findings, the use of symmetrical-based compensation yielded the most favorable outcomes, with the average QF produced falling within the range of (20.33-14.09) dBm over distances ranging from (60-180) kilometers. This demonstrates the dependability of the proposed system.


Bit Error Rate,Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing,Fiber Optic System,Frequency Over Fiber,


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