Journal Vol – 18 No -5, May 2023



Md. Ishaque Ali, B M Ikramul Haque, M. M. Ayub Hossain



Haque’s Approach with Mickens’ Iteration Method is used to find the exact analytic solution of the nonlinear equation involving velocity times acceleration squared. A truncated Fourier series is used in different rhythms with different repetition steps. Our results are very close to the exact results and our results are comparatively closer to the exact results than others. Our solution method is obtained around the second-order angular frequency using Newton's method. For some third-order (jerk) differential equations with cubic nonlinearities and nonlinear second-order differential equations; Mickens' iteration method is used to determine the exact analytical approximate periodic solution. A numerical experiment of general differential equations with third-order, one-dimensional, autonomous, quadratic, and cubic nonlinearity has uncovered several algebraically simple equations involving the shaking of time-dependent acceleration that contain chaotic solutions.


Jerk equation,Truncated Fourier series,Newton’s method,Angular frequency,Haque’s Approach with Mickens’ Iteration Method,Autonomous,Chaotic solutions,


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II. Haque, B. I., & Hossain, M. A. (2021). An Effective Solution of the Cube-root Truly Nonlinear Oscillator: Extended Iteration Procedure. International Journal of Differential Equations, 2021, 1-11. 10.1155/2021/7819209

III. Haque, B. I., & Hossain, M. I. (2021). An Analytical Approach for Solving the Nonlinear Jerk Oscillator Containing Velocity Times Acceleration-squared by an Extended Iteration Method. Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences, 16(2), 35-47. 10.26782/jmcms.2021.02.00004

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Arunava Bhattacharyya



Using TOAD based switch we have designed a parallel half-adder. The approach to designing all-optical arithmetic circuits not only enhances the computational speed but is also capable of synthesizing light as input to produce the desired output. The main advantage of a parallel circuit is the synchronization of input is not required. All the circuits are designed theoretically and verified through numerical simulations.


Terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer,semiconductor optical amplifier,half adder,optical logic,


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Murtaza Ali Khooharo, Muhammad Mujtaba Shaikh, Ashfaque Ahmed Hashmani



As the most energy-intensive machines on the planet, induction motors are the subject of an ongoing study to increase their effectiveness. In this respect, new energy-efficient motors (NEEMs) are being developed. For increasing energy conservation, motors with efficiencies considerably higher than traditional standard motors (TSMs) and energy-efficient motors (EEMs) have been suggested. NEEMs have the potential to save a significant quantity of energy as well as operating costs. A comparative study is conducted in this paper to show how much energy and cost can be saved if TSMs in various industries in Pakistan are replaced with NEEMs, as well as their payback period. A data sample of 23 motors of different ratings has been collected in this pilot study and 90 percent confidence limits are calculated using a t-distribution. The energy conservation benefits of the NEEMs are found encouraging


Energy-efficient motors,energy conservation,payback,cost saving,energy saving,


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