Journal Vol – 16 No -11, November 2021



Pinaki Pal, Asish Mitra



The world is facing multi-wave transmission of COVID-19 pandemics, and investigations are rigorously carried out on modeling the dynamics of the pandemic. Multi-wave transmission during infectious disease epidemics is a big challenge to public health. Here we introduce a simple mathematical model, the double sigmoidal-Boltzmann equation (DSBE), for analyzing the multi-wave Covid-19 spread in Iceland in terms of the number of cumulative cases. Simulation results and the main parameters that characterize multi waves are derived, yielding important information about the behavior of the multi-wave pandemics over time. The result of the current examination reveals the effectiveness and efficacy of DSBE for exploring the Covid 19 dynamics in Iceland and can be employed to examine the pandemic situation in different countries undergoing multi-waves.


Cumulative Case,Daily Infection Rate,Double Sigmoidal Boltzmann Equation,Multi-wave Covid-19 Pandemic,Simulation,


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Jawad Kadhim Tahir



The article contains the results of computational experiments for the non-homogeneous Burger's problem and finding its solution by using the non-classical variational-Cole-Hopf transformation approach. On using exact linearization via Cole-Hopf transformation, as well as the application of the non-classical variational approach, then the non-homogeneous Burger's problem has been solved. The solution which is obtained by this approach is in a compact form so that the original nonlinear solution is easy to be approximated. The accuracy of this method is dependent on the types of selected basis and its number.


Burger's problem,numerical solution,Cole-Hopf transformation,non-classical variational.,


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Dipak Kanti Paul, Prosenjit Pramanick, Sufia Zaman, Abhijit Mitra



The mangrove ecosystem in the lower Gangetic delta is noted for providing several regulatory services. The major regulatory services include erosion, natural disaster, Phytoremediation, carbon sequestration, siltation, and sea-level rise.  Here, we have attempted to develop a mechanism of assessing and ranking the magnitude of regulatory services offered by Sundarban mangroves based on stakeholder’s views on the subject. The respondents were categorized into five major classes namely policy level worker, researcher, fisherman, agriculturist, and local inhabitant. About 295 respondents belonging to these 5 categories were asked about the types of regulatory services and their respective magnitude by ranking the services between 1 and 6. Finally, based on data generated, three separate Combined Mangrove Regulating Service Scale (CMRSS) were assessed for three sectors (western, central, and eastern) of Indian Sundarbans. The basic root for such assessment is contrasting variations between these three sectors based on geographical features, salinity, and biodiversity. The present approach of analysis can be a road map to identify and empirically score the regulatory services of mangroves.


Mangrove ecosystem,Lower Gangetic delta,Respondents,Regulatory services of mangroves,Mangrove Regulating Service Scale (MRSS),


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Indrani Dhar, Goutam Sengupta, Sujoy Biswas, Mourani Sinha, Abhijit Mitra



The inshore region of the Bay of Bengal is one of the less-studied regions of the world ocean in terms of sustainability of Blue Economy while being one of the most exploited bodies of water to benefit a considerable chunk of the Indian population. For the first time, thirty-six years of in situ data at two locations in the northwestern Bay preferably in the lower Gangetic delta region has been analyzed to identify long-term trends in salinity. The salinity values obtained for Jharkhali and Haldia, situated in the lower Gangetic delta region exhibit extreme contrasting profiles. Jharkhali shows an increasing trend, whereas Haldia shows a pronounced decreasing trend of salinity with the passage of time. The results point towards the vulnerability of Jharkhali station towards corrosion of engineering structures, which might exert a negative impact on the sustainability of Blue Economy in this region.


Bay of Bengal,Blue Economy,Corrosion,Jharkhali,Haldia,


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M. N. Sarker, Shampa Mitra, Prosenjit Pramanick, Sufia Zaman, Abhijit Mitra



The traditional method of shrimp culture is a common practice in Indian Sundarbans which is done without any sound scientific back-up, proper feed, and water quality management. The shrimp farmers use a traditional feed of animal origin that often results in deterioration of water quality and disease outbreaks in cultured species. The present paper highlights the effect of the total replacement of animal ingredients in shrimp feed with floral ingredients on water quality and shrimp health. Weight gain, condition index, feed conversion ratio (FCR), survival, body pigmentation (astaxanthin level) were analyzed in shrimps along with pond water quality. Higher condition index (C.I.) values, survival rate, and gain in shrimp weight were observed in the experimental pond (E) compared to the control pond (C). Low FCR values were observed in the experimental pond than in the control pond. Astaxanthin values in shrimps of the experimental pond were also higher than the control pond which points towards Suaeda maritima as the source of carotenoid in the shrimp tissue.


Shrimp culture,shrimp feed,Suaeda maritima,water quality,growth performance,


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Sumouli Roy, Rina Paladhi, Abhijit Mitra



West Bengal is a maritime state in the northeastern part of the Indian subcontinent with a coastal area of 10,158.22 sq. km. The coastal region consists of the Digha coast, which is noted for its tourism and fish landing activities. We highlight in this paper, a load of nitrate and phosphate during premonsoon in the aquatic phase of Digha for more than three decades (1984 – 2020) to observe the trend of these two variables, which are important components of sewage. A uniform increase in the concentrations of the nutrients is observed except in the years 2009 and 2020. A sudden peak observed for both the nutrients during 2009 may be attributed to Aila, a super cyclone that hit coastal West Bengal on 25th May 2009. The dip in the levels of nutrients during 2020, may be the effect of the COVID lockdown phase in the state during which all the tourism and fish landing activities were completely paralyzed.


Digha coast,Nitrate and Phosphate,Aila,COVID lockdown,


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XII. Mitra, A., “Mangrove Forests in India”, Publisher Springer, Cham, DOI:, ISBN 978-3-030-20594-2 (Hardcover), 978-3-030-20595-9 (eBook), pp: XV, 361, 2020
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XXI. Zaman, S., Agarwal, S., Mitra, A., Amin, G., Pramanick, P., Mitra, A., “Impact of Aila on the Dissolved Oxygen level in the Indian Sundarbans region”, Journal of Energy, Environment and Carbon Credits (STM), vol. 5, no. 3, pp: 1-4, 2015

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Sana Ahmed, Sufia Zaman, Abhijit Mitra



This study was conducted to evaluate the microbial load in the flesh and gills of the mud crab (Scylla serrata) collected from the Nagendra Bazar area in Diamond Harbour in South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal, India. The period of collection coincided with the Pre-COVID-19 phase (June 2018 and June 2019) and the COVID lockdown phase (June 2020 and June 2021). It is observed that the total coliform loads in both muscle and gills are more in the pre-COVID phase compared to the COVID lockdown phase. ANOVA analysis also confirmed significant variations between years and body parts (muscle and gills) for both Total coliform (TC) and Fecal Coliform (FC) (p < 0.01). The present study is of considerable importance as crabs are consumed by local people as well as exported in several foreign countries like China, Singapore, Japan, and the U.S.A.


Mud crab (Scylla Serrata),microbial load,Total Coliform (TC),Fecal Coliform (FC),


I. A. Chaudhuri, A. Choudhury, “Mangroves of the Sundarbans”, India.1, Bangkok, Thailand: IUCN, 1994.
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III. A. Mitra, “In: Sensitivity of Mangrove ecosystem to changing Climate”, Publisher Springer, India, DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1509-7, ISBN 978-81-322-1508-0 (Hardcover), 978-81-322-2882-0 (Softcover), pp: XIX 323, 2013.
IV. A. Mitra, S. Zaman, “Basics of Marine and Estuarine Ecology”, Publisher, Springer New Delhi, DOI:, ISBN 978-81-322-2705-2 (Hardcover), 978-81-322-3819-5 (Softcover), pp: XII 483, 2016.
V. A. Mitra, “Mangrove Forests in India”, Publisher Springer, Cham, DOI:, ISBN 978-3-030-20594-2 (Hardcover), 978-3-030-20595-9 (eBook), pp. XV, 361, 2020.
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VII. Engr Syed Shujaat Ali, Engr Mohsin Iqbal, Engr Yaseen Mahmood, Engr Abdul Farhan. : ‘ESTIMATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE-INDUCED GROUNDWATER LEVELS AND RECHARGE OF GROUNDWATER BY PROPOSING RECHARGE WELLS AT NARAI KHWAR HAYATABAD PESHAWAR’. J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-1, January (2020) pp 312-327. DOI : 10.26782/jmcms.2020.01.00025

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Prabir Chandra Bhattacharyya



Co-ordinate geometry is a particular branch of mathematics where geometry is studied with the help of algebra. According to the concept of Bhattacharyya’s Co-ordinate System, plane co-ordinate geometry consists of Four Positive dimensions or axes. In four-dimensional co-ordinate geometry, the position of a point can be determined uniquely by two real positive numbers on a plane. Here, we shall discuss only the plane co-ordinate geometry consisting of four dimensions or axes. The author introduced four positive dimensions or axes to solve the problems with the help of ‘Rectangular Bhattacharyya’s Co-ordinate System’ instead of the Rectangular Cartesian Co-ordinate System. This is the new concept which has been developed by the author. The author determined not only the distance between two points but also the direction of the line segment between two points on the plane.


Bhattacharyya’s Co-ordinate System,Cartesian Co-ordinate System,Four Positive Dimensions,Plane Co-ordinate Geometry,Relative motion,



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