Hiba Mudhafar Hashim , Ihsan Y. HussainDOI NO:
The present investigation adoptsComputationalFluid Dynamics CFD to analyze the problem of forced convection cooling of electronic equipment equipped with a heat sink, including inclination and vibration effects. Two fans were usedto circulate the air inside the computer chassis. Three main components on the motherboard were used;CentralProcessorUnit (CPU), North Bridge, and South Bridge.These components generate heat at the rate of 3750, 2500, and 2222.22kW/ respectively. Three different types of heat sink were used for CPU, these are: plate heat sink, radial heat sink without core,and radial heat sink with core.Theother two main components on the motherboardused the same standard heat sink. The two fans are operated with different cases to specify the suitable operation. Inclination for the computer chassis and motherboard with vibration influence was also investigated. The power dissipation, fan flow rate, and ambient temperature are fixed. The results show that the radial heat sink with core enhances the heat transfer by reducing the temperature of the CPU. Also the influence of vibration has more effect in case of without heat sink, for other cases the influence of vibration is not affected in the investigated range. The effect of inclination angle for computer chassis also is not affected, just when the mother board inclination by from top edge with vertical plane, the temperature reduction approximately 18 in case without heat sink, 4.8 with plate heat sink on CPU, 1 in case with radial heat sink. The CFD analysis was validated with a thermal profile for real operation CPU, the results show good agreement with a mean deviation of (0.023). A radial heat sink with core reduce the temperature more than 114.5 compared without heat sink on CPU case.Keywords:
CFD,Forced Convection,Inclination and Vibration,Electronic Equipment Cooling,Heat Sink,Refference:
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