A Secure and Efficient Scheduling Mechanism for Emergency Data Transmission in IOT
D.Subba Rao, Dr. N.S. Murti SarmaDOI NO:
Internet of things (IOT) enables electronic gadgets to communicate with the server and each other, enabling them to share crucial information. With the advancement in the technology, more and more devices are added to the network of IOT every day. In the era of smart cities, the amount of data being transmitted is immense. While transferring such a huge amount of data, the system has to prioritize the data being sent based on the importance, such as medical and fire safety information. Lack of efficient scheduling algorithms leads to inappropriate delivery of emergency packets, thus rupturing the functionality of the system. Also, the data sent over the network has to guardagainst attacks over the channel. To overcome these drawbacks, a scheduling algorithm named Efficient data emergency aware packet scheduling scheme (EARS), enhanced with data security using Elliptic curve cryptography is proposed in this paper. In EARS, each packet has a description of its priority and the deadline before which it has to reach the sink. This enables easy identification of the emergency nodes. Further, in order to reduce the total number of transmissions in the network, the normal data packets can be network-coded and sent to the destination. This will reduce the congestion in the network. The proposed method is compared with the existing state of the art techniques and the results produced outperformed the exciting methods.Keywords:
network of IOT,efficient scheduling algorithms, Elliptic curve cryptography,emergency nodes, transmissions in the network,Refference:
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