Ankle foot orthosis (AFO) device improves the walking ability by hold and directs the position and advancement of the lower limb, specifically ankle movement. The primary function of AFO is to correct the deformities of the damaged nerves and compensate for the weak & paralyzed muscles. Traditional AFOs are handcrafted using plaster moulds for generating patient’s geometry, by a thermoforming process. Hence, the fabrication of a customized AFO consumes more time and expense as well. In the current review paper, it is discussed thoroughly about the upcoming technology known as additive manufacturing and its potential application for the production of customized AFOs. This review aimed to present the different AFOs produced by the additive manufacturing processes along with gait performances and material properties compared to the traditionally manufactured AFOs.Keywords:
Additive Manufacturing,Ankle Foot Orthosis,Gait Performance,Material Properties,Thermoforming Process,
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