
The Dynamics of SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) Epidemic Model in Greater Noakhali for Pneumonia and Dysentery


Jamal Uddin, Md. Jamal Hossain, Mohammad Raquibul Hossain



We study the SIR model for the mathematical modeling of diseases of greater Noakhali. This model describes the spread of infectious diseases in which an individual may move from susceptible to infected and to recover. We discussed the mathematics behind the model and various tools for judging effectiveness in a certain territory. We completed the paper with an example using the infectious diseases, Pneumonia and Dysentery, commonly the children are infected. The current results of this paper are greatly instructive for us to further understand the epidemic spreading and design some fruitful prevention and disposal strategies to fight the epidemics.


SIR Model,Effective removal rate,Basic reproductive ratio,Effective reproductive ratio,


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The Generalized Kudryashov Method: a Renewed Mechanism for Performing Exact Solitary Wave Solutions of Some NLEEs


M.Mijanur Rahman, M. A. Habib, H. M. Shahadat Ali, M. Mamun Miah



The present study deals with the applicability and effectiveness of the algorithm of generalized Kudryashov method (GKM), which is one of the most workable methods to constitute the exact traveling wave solutions of non-linear evolution equations (NLEEs) in physical and mathematical science. The recent paper, we enucleated this method for each of the following Couple Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equations system, DSSH equation and fourth-order nonlinear Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur (AKNS) water wave dynamical equation. The prominent competence of this method is to naturalize the way of solving systems of NLEEs. Moreover, we can see that when the parameters are ascribed to the particular values, obtain solitary wave solution from the exact travelling wave solution. The obtained new solutions have a wide range of inflictions in the field of physics and other areas of applied science. To perceive the physical phenomena, we have plotted coupled with some 2𝐷 and 3𝐷 graphical patterns of analytic solutions obtained in this study by using computer programming wolfram Mathematica. The worked-out solutions ascertained that the suggested method is effectual, simple and direct and can be exerted to several types of nonlinear systems of partial differential equations.


The generalized Kudryashov method, Couple Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equations, DSSH equation, fourth-order nonlinear AKNS equation,travelingwave solution,exact solution,


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Performance Enhancement of Intermediate Temperature SOFC Cathode by Nano-Composite Coating


Saim Saher, Kamran Alam, Affaq Qamar, Abid Ullah, Javed Iqbal



The La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) is categorized as a mixed ionic-electronic conducting oxide has found significant attention as cathode material in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating at intermediate temperatures, 500-850oC. The performance of LSCF electrode is limited by the oxygen ion transport process at the surface, which is the rate determining step of oxygen reduction reaction. To enhance the oxygen surface exchange process of LSCF electrode, a nano-composite electrolyte is introduced at the surface, which substantially improves the electrochemical performance. The electrical conductivity relaxation technique (ECR) has been used to study the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of bare LSCF and coated with a mixture of Ce0.8Sm0.2O2-δ (SDC) and ZrO2.Y2O3 (Yttria-stabilized zirconia -YSZ) nano-powders in three different weight ratios, SDC:YSZ = 0.5:1, 1:1, 1:0.5. The chemical oxygen surface exchange coefficient kchem of surface modified specimens were derived with a one-parameter fitting process. The results show that the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of LSCF is affected by the SDC-YSZ coating and the average kchem values of SDC-YSZ coated LSCF increases by a factor 2 to 8 from 650 to 850 oC, respectively. It has been concluded that the high ionic conductive oxide coating improves the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of underlying LSCF mixed conducting oxide and consequently enhances the performance of electrochemical device such as solid oxide fuel cell.




I.A.Samreen, S. Saher, S. Ali, H. Shahzad, A. Qamar, Effect of hetero-structured nano-particulate coating on the oxygen surface exchange properties of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, HE-25296, 2019 (in press).

II.Cheng, F., & Chen, J. (2012). Metal–air batteries: from oxygen reduction electrochemistry to cathode catalysts.Chemical Society Reviews,41(6), 2172-2192.

III.Fekete, M., Hocking, R. K., Chang, S. L., Italiano, C., Patti, A. F., Arena, F., &Spiccia, L. (2013). Highly active screen-printed electrocatalysts for water oxidation based on β-manganese oxide.Energy & Environmental Science,6(7), 2222-2232.

IV.Gorlin, Y., & Jaramillo, T. F. (2010). A bifunctional nonprecious metal catalyst for oxygen reduction and water oxidation.Journal ofthe American Chemical Society,132(39), 13612-13614.

V.Haoran, Y., Lifang, D., Tao, L., & Yong, C. (2014). Hydrothermal synthesis of nanostructured manganese oxide as cathodic catalyst in a microbial fuel cell fed with leachate.The Scientific World Journal,2014.

VI.He, G., Qiao, M., Li, W., Lu, Y., Zhao, T., Zou, R., &Parkin, I. P. (2017). S, N‐Co‐Doped Graphene‐Nickel Cobalt Sulfide Aerogel: Improved Energy Storage and Electrocatalytic Performance.Advanced Science,4(1), 1600214.

VII.Iyer, A., Del-Pilar, J., King’ondu, C. K., Kissel, E., Garces, H. F., Huang, H., &Suib, S. L. (2012). Water oxidation catalysis using amorphous manganese oxides, octahedral molecular sieves (OMS-2), and octahedral layered (OL-1) manganese oxide structures.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,116(10), 6474-6483.

VIII.Kjaergaard, C. H., Rossmeisl, J., &Nørskov, J. K. (2010). Enzymatic versus inorganic oxygen reduction catalysts: Comparison of the energy levels in a free-energy scheme.Inorganic chemistry,49(8), 3567-3572.

IX.Kundu, S., Nagaiah, T. C., Xia, W., Wang, Y., Dommele, S. V., Bitter, J. H., &Muhler, M. (2009). Electrocatalytic activity and stability of nitrogen-containing carbon nanotubes in the oxygen reduction reaction.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,113(32), 14302-14310.

X.Liao, L., Zhang, Q., Su, Z., Zhao, Z., Wang, Y., Li, Y., &Cai, X. (2014). Efficient solar water-splitting using a nanocrystallineCoOphotocatalyst.Nature nanotechnology,9(1), 69.

XI.Mukerjee, S., &Srinivasan, S. (1993). Enhanced electrocatalysis of oxygenreduction on platinum alloys in proton exchange membrane fuel cells.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,357(1-2), 201-224.

XII.Shi, X., Iqbal, N., Kunwar, S. S., Wahab, G., Kasat, H. A., &Kannan, A. M. (2018). PtCo@ NCNTs cathode catalyst using ZIF-67 for proton exchange membrane fuel cell.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,43(6), 3520-3526.

XIII.Shinozaki, K., Zack, J. W., Richards, R. M., Pivovar, B. S., &Kocha, S. S. (2015). Oxygen reduction reaction measurements on platinum electrocatalysts utilizing rotating disk electrode technique I. Impact of impurities, measurement protocols and applied corrections.Journal of The Electrochemical Society,162(10), F1144-F1158.

XIV.S. Saher, S. Naqash, B. A. Boukamp, B. Li, C. Xia, H. J. M. Bouwmeester, Influence of ionic conductivity of the nano-particulate coating phase on oxygen surface exchange of La0.58Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ , J. Mater. Chem. A, 5 (3),2017, 4991-4999.

XV.Song, E., Shi, C., & Anson, F. C. (1998). Comparison of the behavior of several cobalt porphyrins as electrocatalysts for the reduction of O2 at graphite electrodes.Langmuir,14(15), 4315-4321.

XVI.Su, B., Hatay, I., Trojánek, A., Samec, Z., Khoury, T., Gros, C. P., &Girault, H. H. (2010). Molecular electrocatalysis for oxygen reduction by cobalt porphyrins adsorbed at liquid/liquid interfaces.Journal of the American Chemical Society,132(8), 2655-2662.

XVII.Xia, B. Y., Yan, Y., Li, N., Wu, H. B., Lou, X. W. D., & Wang, X. (2016). A metal–organic framework-derived bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst.Nature Energy,1(1), 15006.

XVIII.Yang, J., Sun, H., Liang, H., Ji, H., Song, L., Gao, C., &Xu, H. (2016). A highly efficient metal‐free oxygen reduction electrocatalyst assembled from carbon nanotubes and graphene.Advanced Materials,28(23), 4606-4613.

XIX.Zhang, W., Shaikh, A. U., Tsui, E. Y., &Swager, T. M. (2009). Cobalt porphyrin functionalized carbon nanotubes for oxygen reduction.Chemistry of Materials,21(14), 3234-3241.

XX.Zhang, X., Chen, Y., Wang, J., &Zhong, Q. (2016). Nitrogen and fluorine dual‐doped carbon black as an efficient cathode catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in neutral medium.ChemistrySelect,1(4), 696-702.

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Ultra Stable and Highly Efficient Nickel Nanotube Catalyst for PEMFC Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction


Saim Saher, Kamran Alam, Affaq Qamar, Abid Ullah, Waqas A. Imtiaz



The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) having sluggish kinetics at cathode side requires highly active and low cost catalyst. Conventionally, platinum (Pt) is considered to be the most feasible and active catalyst for ORR at cathode, however,it’s far expensive to meet the demand for commercialization. Herein novel non platinum group metal (N-PGM) nickel (Ni) nanotubes were prepared by using solvothermal method using transition metal precursor forming Ni ZeoliticImidazolateFramework (Ni/ZIF). Ni nanotubes were obtained after carbonizing Ni/ZIF at 850oC under inert nitrogen atmosphere. The morphology and motif were extensively studied by conducting XRD and SEM. The electro-catalytic performance of Pt/C catalyst, pristine Ni/ZIF and Ni nanotubes were investigated by Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) performed with Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE) in alkaline medium. The Ni/ZIF shows a current density of -1.4 mA/cm2and Ni nanotubes depicts current density of and an over potential of -0.27V Vs Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE). RDE Results were obtained at 400, 800, 1200 and 1600 rpm in 0.1M KOH solution. The evaluation shows that Ni nanotubes own extraordinary electro-catalytic behavior towards ORR activity and Ni nanotubes has potential to be used for PEMFC application.


Ni ZeoliticImidazolateFramework(Ni/ZIF),Ni nanotubes,Oxygen Reduction Reaction,Linear Sweep Voltammetry,


I.Cheng, F., & Chen, J. (2012). Metal–air batteries: from oxygen reduction electrochemistry to cathode catalysts.Chemical Society Reviews,41(6), 2172-2192.

II.Fekete, M., Hocking, R. K., Chang, S. L., Italiano, C., Patti, A. F., Arena, F., &Spiccia, L. (2013). Highly active screen-printed electrocatalysts for water oxidation based on β-manganese oxide.Energy & Environmental Science,6(7), 2222-2232.

III.Gorlin, Y., & Jaramillo, T. F. (2010). A bifunctional nonprecious metal catalyst for oxygen reduction and water oxidation.Journal of the American Chemical Society,132(39), 13612-13614.

IV.Haoran, Y., Lifang, D., Tao, L., & Yong, C. (2014). Hydrothermal synthesis of nanostructured manganese oxide as cathodic catalyst in a microbial fuel cell fed with leachate.The Scientific World Journal,2014.

V.He, G., Qiao, M., Li, W., Lu, Y., Zhao, T., Zou, R., &Parkin, I. P. (2017). S, N‐Co‐Doped Graphene‐Nickel Cobalt Sulfide Aerogel: Improved Energy Storage and Electrocatalytic Performance.Advanced Science,4(1), 1600214.

VI.Iyer, A., Del-Pilar, J., King’ondu, C. K., Kissel, E., Garces, H. F., Huang, H., &Suib, S. L. (2012). Water oxidation catalysis using amorphous manganese oxides, octahedral molecular sieves (OMS-2), and octahedral layered (OL-1) manganese oxide structures.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,116(10), 6474-6483.

VII.Kjaergaard, C. H., Rossmeisl, J., &Nørskov, J. K. (2010). Enzymatic versus inorganic oxygen reduction catalysts: Comparison of the energy levels in a free-energy scheme.Inorganic chemistry,49(8), 3567-3572.

VIII.Kundu, S., Nagaiah, T. C., Xia, W., Wang, Y., Dommele, S. V., Bitter, J. H., &Muhler, M. (2009). Electrocatalytic activity and stability of nitrogen-containing carbon nanotubes in the oxygen reduction reaction.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,113(32), 14302-14310.

IX.Liao, L., Zhang, Q., Su, Z., Zhao, Z., Wang, Y., Li, Y., &Cai, X. (2014). Efficient solar water-splitting using a nanocrystallineCoOphotocatalyst.Nature nanotechnology,9(1), 69.

X.Mukerjee, S., &Srinivasan, S. (1993). Enhanced electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction on platinum alloys in proton exchange membrane fuel cells.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,357(1-2), 201-224.

XI.Shi, X., Iqbal, N., Kunwar, S. S., Wahab, G., Kasat, H. A., &Kannan, A. M. (2018). PtCo@ NCNTs cathode catalyst using ZIF-67 for proton exchange membrane fuel cell.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,43(6), 3520-3526.

XII.Shinozaki, K., Zack, J. W., Richards, R. M., Pivovar, B. S., &Kocha, S. S. (2015). Oxygen reduction reaction measurements on platinum electrocatalystsutilizing rotating disk electrode technique I. Impact of impurities, measurement protocols and applied corrections.Journal of The Electrochemical Society,162(10), F1144-F115

XIII.Su, B., Hatay, I., Trojánek, A., Samec, Z., Khoury, T., Gros, C. P.,&Girault, H. H. (2010). Molecular electrocatalysis for oxygen reduction by cobalt porphyrins adsorbed at liquid/liquid interfaces.Journal of the American Chemical Society,132(8), 2655-2662.

XIV.Song, E., Shi, C., & Anson, F. C. (1998). Comparison of the behavior of several cobalt porphyrins as electrocatalysts for the reduction of O2 at graphite electrodes.Langmuir,14(15), 4315-4321.

XV.Xia, B. Y., Yan, Y., Li, N., Wu, H. B., Lou, X. W. D., & Wang, X. (2016). A metal–organic framework-derived bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst.Nature Energy,1(1), 15006.

XVI.Yang, J., Sun, H., Liang, H., Ji, H., Song, L., Gao, C., &Xu, H. (2016). A highly efficient metal‐free oxygen reduction electrocatalyst assembled from carbon nanotubes and graphene.Advanced Materials,28(23), 4606-4613.

XVII.Zhang, W., Shaikh, A. U., Tsui, E. Y., &Swager, T. M. (2009). Cobalt porphyrin functionalized carbon nanotubes for oxygen reduction.Chemistry of Materials,21(14), 3234-3241.

XVIII.Zhang, X., Chen, Y., Wang, J., &Zhong, Q. (2016). Nitrogen and fluorine dual‐doped carbon black as an efficient cathode catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in neutral medium.ChemistrySelect,1(4), 696-702.

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Influence of Dual Layer Silica Nanoparticles Coating on the Performance Enhancement of Solar PV Modules


Saim Saher, Kamran Alam, Abid Ullah, Affaq Qamar, Javed Iqbal



The Porous silica nanoparticles deposited on the glass as well as bare silicon wafer substrate to obtain super hydrophilicity and antireflectivity. The coating is performed by using aerosol impact deposition system using silane, air and helium as precursor gases. The desired coating thickness over the substrate surface is achieved by tuning the RF power, pressures ratio of reaction to deposition chamber and maneuvering of silane flow rate, helium and air mixture. Scanning electron microscopy reveals the particle size of 12.6 nm, whereas, atomic force microscopy (AFM) is deployed to study the coated film surface topology. This indicates outstanding antifogging and super-hydrophilic properties due to surface roughness and nano-porosity. Moreover, the coated surface graded index increases the transmissivity from 90% to 99.2%. Such enhancements are much favorable for the solar PV applications.


Nanoparticles, Antireflectivity,erosol deposition,Solar PV,SEM,AFM,


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Smart Grid Leading to Demand Side Management: A Perspective in terms of Categorizations and Limitations


Ali Raza, Sheeraz Ahmed, Zahid Farid, Najeeb ullah, Abdul Hannan, Junaid Ahmed Inam



In order to fulfill all demands of the customers, related to energy, the capacity of the Grid is designed in such a way that, it satisfies not only the average power demand, but also the peak power demand. In this paper, Demand Side Management (DSM),programs which play a vital role in near future Smart Grid (SG) has been considered.DSM aims either at reducing or shifting consumption to shape users’ energy consumption profile. In the energy zone, the country is facing severe short fall from the last two decades, and hence effecting not only the economic growth, but also the industrial development. The main goal of DSM is usually to encourage the consumers to use less energy during peak hours or to move the time to use energy in the off-peak hours.


Smart Grid (SG),Demand Side Management (DSM),Peak-to Average Ratio (PAR),


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II. Hussain, Hafiz Majid, NadeemJavaid, Sohail Iqbal, QadeerUlHasan, Khursheed Aurangzeb, and MusaedAlhussein. “An Efficient Demand Side Management System with a New Optimized Home Energy Management Controller in Smart Grid.” Energies 11, no. 1 (2018): 190.

III. Jacquot, Paulin, Olivier Beaude, StéphaneGaubert, and Nadia Oudjane. “Demand side management in the smart grid: an efficiency and fairness tradeoff.” In Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2017 IEEE PES, pp. 1-6.IEEE, 2017.

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VI. Liu, Yi, Chau Yuen, Shisheng Huang, NaveedUl Hassan, Xiumin Wang, and ShengliXie. “Peakto-average ratio constrained demand-side management with consumer’s preference in residential smart grid.” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 8, no. 6 (2014): 1084-1097.

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IX. Mahmood, Anzar, M. N. Ullah, S. Razzaq, Abdul Basit, U. Mustafa, M. Naeem, and NadeemJavaid. “A new scheme for demand side management in future smart grid networks.”ProcediaComputer Science 32 (2014): 477-484.

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XI. Touzene, Abderezak, Sultan Al Yahyai, and Amar Oukil. “Smart Grid Resources Optimization Using Service Oriented Middleware.” International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (2018): 1.

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XIII. Wijaya, Tri Kurniawan, Thanasis G. Papaioannou, Xin Liu, and Karl Aberer. “Effective consumption scheduling for demand-side management in the smart grid using non-uniform participation rate.” In Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT), 2013, pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2013.

XIV. Yu, Mengmeng, and Seung Ho Hong. “A Real-Time Demand-Response Algorithm for Smart Grids: A Stackelberg Game Approach.” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 7, no. 2 (2016): 879-888.

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The Effectiveness of Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit in Teaching and Learning in 21stCenturies for Topic Addition and Subtraction


R. N. Farah, N. Bahirah, R.L. Zuraida



This article presents the effectiveness of Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit in teaching and learning of topic addition and subtraction. The methods used in the research weredescriptive analysis. The sample consist of two hundred and forty-six(246)standard one students of 3 primary school in total in the state ofSelangor and Perak. Samples were divided into groups and the Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit was distributed to each group.The researcher applied the Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit in the classroom during their teaching and learning process of topic addition and subtraction in primary education. The instrument used by researcher is questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 21 questions which include the figure, the reliability, the endurance of Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit. The student’s answers wereanalyzed. The result showed that Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit had a significant positive impact among the students, and the latter preferred Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit rather than using the traditional method of teaching addition and subtraction in standardone. The findings of the current study encouraged teachers and students to use Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit in their teaching and learning process.


addition and subtraction,Chip Mental Arithmetic Kit,teaching manipulative,


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Vulnerability Assesment For Advanced Injection Attacks Against Mongodb


Vrinda Sachdeva, Sachin Gupta



Nosql database is also known as not only sql database. For real time web application and for large set of distributed data, nosql database gaining popularity to handle big data. Nosql database has enormous function to handle big data. In contrast to this, nosql database also supports auto sharding, auto replication and many other feature making it suitable to be used as storage mechanism. Nosql database is used to store data in an unstructured way, when more attention is paid to Performance and real time access rather than consistency, then nosql databases seems to be more appropriate. However, research on the security of nosql database is very limited. Although, there are many research benefit in nosql database like scalability, faster data access and availability as compare to rdbms. But nosql database has some security issues. The experimental testing on advance nosql injections is performed. The demonstration of advance nosql injection attack against a nosql database is performed with php and JavaScript. It shows the client’s data. Method are discussed to prevent this type of security problems from happening again. This paper also shows how to create a security layer of nosql application to prevent nosql injection. In this paper, we will demonstrate, advance nosql injection attack and propose defense method to secure the nosql database. Hence nosql database programmer be aware of the nosql injection attack mechanism and build a more secure database to store huge data.




I.Abramova, Veronika, and Jorge Bernardino”NoSQL databases: MongoDB vs Cassandra.” Proceedings of the International C* Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering10 Jul: 14-22, 2013.

II.Ahmed M. Eassa , Hazem M. El-Bakry“NoSQL Racket: A Testing Tool for Detecting NoSQL Injection Attacks in Web Applications”International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 11, 2017.

III.Aviv Ron,Alexandra Shulman-Peleg,Emanuel Bronshtein “No SQL, No Injection? Examining NoSQL Security Examining NoSQL Security” In proceedings of the 9thworkshop on web 2.0 security and privacy (W2SP) 2015.

IV.BoyuHou,Kai Qian “MongoDBNoSQL injection Analysis and detection” 2016 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing.

V.BoyuHou,yongshi“ Towards analyzing MongoDBNoSQL security and designing injection defense solution” ieee3rd international conference on big data security on cloud (bigdatasecurity), ieee international conference on high performance and smart computing (hpsc), and ieee international conference on intelligent data and security (ids), 26-28 may 2017.

VI.Chickerur, Satyadhyan, AnoopGoudar, and AnkitaKinnerkar”Comparison of Relational Database with Document-Oriented Database (MongoDB) for Big Data Applications.” 28th International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering & Its Applications (ASEA) 25 Nov. 2015: 41-47.

VII.Changlin He,“Survey on nosql database technology”,journal of applied science and engineering innovation vol. 2 no. 2,2015.

VIII.EbrahimSahafizadeh, Mohammad Ali Nematbakhsh“A Survey on Security Issues in Big Data and NoSQL” ACSIJ Advances in ComputerScience: an International Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 4, No.16 , July 2015 ISSN : 2322-5157.


X.Jing Han,haihongE,GuanLe,JianDu,“survey on nosql database”, 2011 IEEE.

XI.Kadebu, Prudence, and Innocent Mapanga, “A Security Requirements Perspective towards a Secured NOSQL Database Environment.” International Conference of Advance Research and Innovation, 2014.

XII.ManovegSaxena,ZakirAli, Vinod Kumar Singh,“NOSQL database –analysis,Techniques and classification” journal of advanced database management &system,volume 1 issue 2,2014.

XIII.Noiumkar, Preecha, and TawatchaiChomsiri,”A Comparison the Level of Security on Top 5 Open Source NoSQL Databases.” The 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA2014).

XIV.“No SQL Injection in MongoDB”

XV.Okman, Lior et al, “Security issues in nosql databases.” 2011 IEEE 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications 16 Nov. 2011:541-547.

XVI.Pokorny, Jaroslav,”NoSQL databases: a step to database scalability in web environment.” International Journal of Web Information Systems9.1 :69-82,2013.

XVII.RoshniBajpayee,Sonalipriya Sinha,Vinod Kumar ,“Big data :A brief investigation on NOSQL database”,International journal of innovations & advancement in computer science,volume 4, issue 1 January 2015.

XVIII.S.Priyadharshini, R. Rajmohan“Analysis on data base security model against nosql injection” 2017 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology , Volume 2 , Issue 2 ,2017,ISSN : 2456-3307

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Sensitivity enhancement and comparison of MEMS/NEMS cantilevers


Anuj Kumar Goel, B.Hari krishna, S.Poongodi



MEMS, macroscopic devices posses characteristic length of less than 1μm and integrate mechanical and electronic components on a single chip. Sensitivity is the major concern in existing MEMS/NEMS devices which are mostly made of elastic cantilever beam. In this work porous MEMS cantilevers are designed using Silicon dioxide, Polysilicon, Silicon nitride & Aluminium. The designed cantilevers are in the micrometer range with optimized dimension as l=120, w=10 and t=1.5 (all are in micrometers). Sensitivity is measured on Silicon dioxide based cantiliver with different type of hole on fixed end as rectangle, circle and ellipse. The ellipse hole gives better result (maximum resultant stress 1767.5 N/m2) in terms of sensitivity of the device. Futher elliptical hole parameters (position, number and dimension) are varied in order to achieve maximum stress and in response maximum deflection of microcantilevers. The optimized design achieved is implemented with two more materials viz. polysilicon and silicon nitride for comparison.


MEMS,Microcantilevers,COMSOL Multiphysics,


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III.Anuj Kumar Goel, Kuldip Kumar, Dushyant Gupta. Design and Simulation of Microcantilevrs for Sensing applications. International Journal of applied engineering research, 2016, Vol. 11 No. 1 pp 501-503.

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VIII.Mansour Abtahi, GholamrezaVossoughi, Ali Meghdari. Full Operational Range Dynamic Modeling of Microcantilever Beams. Journal of Microelectromechanicalsystems,.2013, Vol. 22. No. 5.

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Risk Resilient Supply Chain Management using IoT and Big Data Analytics


Kamal Gupta, Dr.Bineet Sinha, Dr. Bhoomi Gupta



In the context of Supply Chain Management (SCM), Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) play a significant role in the evolution and success of a data intensive application and its respective security concerns. The aim of the research is to assess the suitability of IoT and BDA to strengthen and enhance SCM network. There have been independent research on IoT and Big Data in this domain; however no conclusive systematic study has been done to gather knowledge and expertise in analysis of SCM with respect to a combined application of IoT and big data analytics. The research in the literature has been put to documentation and recommendations for practitioners of SCM in industry have been addressed for future scope of IoT and data analysis.


SCM, Internet of Things (IoT),Data Analytics,


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